Senate debates

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Questions without Notice

Building and Construction Industry

2:19 pm

Photo of Michaelia CashMichaelia Cash (WA, Liberal Party, Minister for Women) Share this | Hansard source

Mr President, do you know what I find quite disgusting? These instances in this place are findings of the Federal Court. It is disgusting. I think it is disgusting. What is so horrifying is the reaction of those on the other side. Have a look at the questions that you asked this side today. You did not like our responses. They were about what you say is bullying, intimidation and harassment of kids in workplaces. Yet when we stand here on this side and put that same behaviour back to you on the other side, you sit there and make fun and defend your mates. Then Senator Wong will stand up and say, 'But Senator Doug Cameron—'. He is one of the biggest defenders of the CFMEU. For once just listen to what these people say and condemn it. (Time expired)

Honourable senators interjecting—


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