House debates

Monday, 18 March 2024

  • Committees (0 speeches)
    • Petitions Committee; Report (1 speech)
      I present the 23rd report of the Petitions Committee for the 47th Parliament. The document read as follows— HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PETITIONS COMMITTEE REPORT No. 23 Petitions and...
  • Petitions (0 speeches)
    • Presentation (1 speech)
      I present the following 41 petitions:
    • Responses (1 speech)
      I present the following 28 ministerial responses to petitions previously presented:
    • Statements (1 speech)
      As usual, the petitions being presented today canvass a range of topics, and this reflects the variety of issues that concern people across Australia. One such petition relates to prescription...
  • Private Members' Business (0 speeches)
    • Grocery Prices (7 speeches)
      by leave—On behalf of the member for Kennedy, I move: That this House calls on the Government to immediately legislate for significant reform of Australia's food retail sector to better...
    • Cost of Living (14 speeches)
      The multiple inquiries into Australia's duopoly supermarket model have begun receiving submissions and taking evidence. It's the start of really putting a spotlight on why prices are so high at...
    • Online Safety (16 speeches)
      I move: That this House: (1) notes that the: (a) eSafety Commissioner recommended a mandated trial of age-assurance technology in her Roadmap for Age Verification, as a way of protecting children...
  • Parliamentary Representation (0 speeches)
    • Cook Electorate; Issue of Writ (1 speech)
      I inform the House that on Monday 11 March 2024, the Speaker issued a writ for the election of a member to serve for the electoral division of Cook in the state of New South Wales to fill the...
  • Committees (0 speeches)
  • Business (0 speeches)
    • Rearrangement (1 speech)
      by leave—I move: That so much of the standing and sessional orders be suspended as would prevent: (1) the following from occurring in relation of business in the House for today: (a) the...
  • Motions (0 speeches)
    • Middle East (9 speeches)
      I move: That so much of the standing and sessional orders be suspended as would prevent the Member for Melbourne from moving the following motion immediately—That the House: (1) notes that...
  • Committees (0 speeches)
    • Intelligence and Security Joint Committee; Report (2 speeches)
      On behalf of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, I present the committee's Advisory report on the Defence Amendment (Safeguarding Australia's Military Secrets) Bill...
  • Delegation Reports (0 speeches)
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Statements by Members (0 speeches)
    • Forrest Electorate: Buckingham The Butchers (1 speech)
      I rise to congratulate a fabulous family owned butcher in my electorate, known as Buckingham the Butchers, who snagged second place in the Australian Meat Industry Council's national Sausage King...
    • Raddatz, Warrant Officer Class 1 Raymond John, OAM (1 speech)
      I rise to pay tribute to Warrant Officer Class 1 Raymond John Raddatz OAM, otherwise known as John or 'Ratz' or just 'JR'. He was born in Nambour and he served in the Australian Army with great...
    • South Australia: First Nations Voice (1 speech)
      Last weekend South Australia conducted its first election for an Indigenous voice to parliament. One hundred and thirteen candidates stood for 46 positions in six local regions. Once elected,...
    • Trade with China (1 speech)
      The interim decision by China that the tariffs on Australian wine are no longer necessary provides a ray of hope to Australian wine growers, who since 2020 have been struggling to sell their...
    • Mental Health: Youth (1 speech)
      The Be Centre in Warriewood, in my electorate of Mackellar, is one of the largest specialist play-therapy centres in the world. We are very fortunate to have it as it is leading the way when it...
    • Werriwa Electorate: Community Events (1 speech)
      Like many of the electorates in Sydney, Werriwa is among the most diverse in Australia. Every month you'll find that our community is celebrating a significant cultural or religious event. It's a...
    • Visitor Visas (1 speech)
      Recently it was reported that people fleeing Gaza to come to Australia are having their visas cancelled mid-flight. I can't fathom how anyone in this government can defend their decision to...
    • Schools (1 speech)
      I am very proud that the Albanese Labor government has made specific positive changes to education in support of students and teachers, including the commitment to making Australia's education...
    • Sturt Electorate: Co-ordinating Italian Committee (1 speech)
      I would like to sincerely thank the Co-ordinating Italian Committee, CIC SA, who hosted me at their headquarters in Stepney in my electorate last week. They provide a very vital service to the...
    • International Women's Day (1 speech)
      It was a privilege to attend the International Women's Day lunch at Cranbourne Secondary College in my electorate. Together we celebrated the remarkable achievements of women and reflected on the...
    • Hume Electorate: NSW Seniors Festival (1 speech)
      I rise today to speak about NSW Seniors Festival, which runs from 11 to 24 March. This is a time when we celebrate the invaluable contributions of our older citizens to our local communities. I...
    • Coeliac Disease (1 speech)
      Coeliac Awareness Week is 13 to 20 March. Coeliac disease is an autoimmune disease that is triggered by gluten, which is found in wheat, rye, barley and oats—so many of our staple...
    • Telecommunications (1 speech)
      Last month, there was a devastating fire in my electorate, in the township of Pomonal. Forty-six houses were burnt to the ground in a community of 350. On average that means that literally a...
    • Albanese Government (1 speech)
      The Albanese government's priority remains the same: deliver responsible cost-of-living relief and improve the lives of all Australians. This government's cost-of-living tax cuts will soon ensure...
    • Herbert Electorate: Crime (1 speech)
      Crime is the No. 1 issue facing the residents of Townsville. Last night, homes were broken into, cars were stolen and violence took place on our streets, and tonight and tomorrow night these...
    • Paid Parental Leave (1 speech)
      If you're having a baby after 1 July this year, you'll be the first to benefit from the changes to paid parental leave that passed through the Senate today. There's an extra two weeks of leave,...
    • Forde Electorate: Perentie Brewing Co (1 speech)
      I rise today to speak about one of the great brewing businesses in my electorate of Forde. Late last month, Perentie Brewing Co took out an impressive eight awards at the esteemed Royal...
    • New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (1 speech)
      The great Liberal electric vehicle scare campaign of 2024 rolls on. Unperturbed by their failure to win back Dunkley, we've since seen the Liberal Party double-down on their misguided opposition...
    • Deakin Electorate: Infrastructure (1 speech)
      I'm very pleased to say that one of the projects that survived the so-called Labor infrastructure review was the Ringwood multilevel car park, which we kicked off in my electorate last week. With...
    • Taxation (1 speech)
      One of the most famous books on negotiation is Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In. The opposition has perfected a parallel political manual, 'Getting to No: Negotiating...
    • Riverina Electorate: Debutant Ball (2 speeches)
      It's one of the quaint traditions of country Australia but it's something we continue: it's the debutante ball. I know that people throughout the parliament will have deb balls in their...
  • Parliamentary Representation (0 speeches)
    • Members Sworn (2 speeches)
      I have received a return to the writ which I issued on 29 January 2024 for the election of a member to serve for the electoral division of Dunkley, in the state of Victoria, to fill the vacancy...
  • Condolences (0 speeches)
  • Shadow Ministry (0 speeches)
    • Presentation (1 speech)
      For the information of honourable members, I table a revised shadow ministry list reflecting changes announced on 5 March 2024. The document read as follows—
  • Statements on Indulgence (0 speeches)
    • Fitzgibbon, Lance Corporal Jack Patrick (1 speech)
      Can I just thank you, as Speaker, and thank the House and the Senate for the delay in question time today to enable members from across both chambers, across the breadth of the parliament, to...
  • Questions without Notice (0 speeches)
    • Immigration Detention (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs. Last week, the minister claimed charges against hardcore criminals released from detention were being...
    • Taxation (4 speeches)
      BELYEA () (): My question is to the Prime Minister. How is the Albanese Labor government working to help Australians earn more and keep more of what they earn?
    • Immigration Detention (8 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs. The Solicitor-General, Stephen Donaghue, told the High Court on 8 November 2023 that up to 340 people in...
  • Distinguished Visitors (0 speeches)
  • Questions without Notice (0 speeches)
    • Paid Parental Leave (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Social Services. How will Labor's tax cuts work alongside other measures in the social services portfolio to support working families and strengthen their...
    • Capital Gains Tax, Negative Gearing (19 speeches)
      A question to the Prime Minister: why is Labor refusing to phase out the big tax handouts for property investors, including the capital gains tax discount and negative gearing, that benefit...
    • Economy (8 speeches)
      My question is to the Treasurer. How is the Albanese Labor government's responsible economic management easing pressure on Australians while laying the foundations for future growth, and what...
    • Immigration Detention (8 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs. Over the next six months, how many foreign criminals will finish a custodial sentence and be released into...
    • Aged Care (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Aged Care. How is the Albanese Labor government helping aged-care workers earn more and keep more of what they earn? How will this improve the quality of care...
    • Fuel Efficiency Standards (15 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Climate Change and Energy. I refer to Labor's new family car and ute tax and the minister's frequent comparison to the scheme in the United States. Between 2004...
    • First Nations Australians (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Indigenous Australians. How is the Albanese Labor government improving housing and creating jobs and economic opportunities for Aboriginal Territorians?
  • Distinguished Visitors (0 speeches)
    • Youth Steering Committee (1 speech)
      I inform the House that present in the gallery today are representatives from the government's Youth Steering Committee who are concluding their terms after working to improve whole-of-government...
  • Questions without Notice (0 speeches)
    • New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (6 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Climate Change and Energy. Toyota's vice-president of sales, Sean Hanley, claims that Labor's proposed new family car and ute tax is too aggressive, stating: I...
    • Administrative Review Tribunal (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Attorney-General. How will the Albanese Labor government's Administrative Review Tribunal clean up the mess left by the former government?
    • Aged Care (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Aged Care. My electorate is concerned by the Aged Care Taskforce report and your previous comments that 'the baby boomers are coming'. Minister, those in...
    • National Disability Insurance Scheme (5 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme. How will Labor's tax cuts benefit those working in the disability sector and what else is the government doing to...
  • Statements (0 speeches)
  • Questions to the Speaker (0 speeches)
    • Immigration Detention (2 speeches)
      In accordance with standing order 105(b), I wish to draw your attention to an overdue question in writing: question 383. On 22 November 2023, I asked the Minister for Home Affairs about the NZYQ...
  • Auditor-General's Reports (0 speeches)
  • Bills (0 speeches)
    • Superannuation (Objective) Bill 2023; Second Reading (14 speeches)
      I will continue where I left off just before we had our 90-second statements. I was talking about the certainty that we require in superannuation. What this bill does is ensure that there is an...
  • Committees (0 speeches)
    • Health, Aged Care and Sport Committee; Membership (2 speeches)
      I have received advice from the Chief Government Whip that she has nominated Ms Belyea to be a member of the Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport in place of Ms Thwaites.
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Adjournment (0 speeches)
  • Constituency Statements (0 speeches)
    • Blayney Shire Local and Family History Group (1 speech)
      I rise to pay tribute to the Blayney Shire Local and Family History Group. The dedicated members have completed a vital task of remembrance to ensure that the service and sacrifice of local Boer...
    • Barton Electorate: Stronger Communities Program (1 speech)
      Generosity, spirit and community are everywhere in Barton, particularly in the vital work performed by our community organisations. Take for example the Fix It Sisters Shed in Kyeemagh. With the...
    • Wilton, Mr Gregory Stuart, Liberal Party of Australia (1 speech)
      I came to this place as a kid in my 20s, on the cusp of the new century. Within my first 12 months in this building, something terribly sad happened. The member for Isaacs, Greg Wilton, took his...
    • Awards and Honours (1 speech)
      I want to acknowledge that contribution. I was actually also here when Greg Wilton took his own life, and it was a sad day. It's good that those lessons and the words that were said at that time...
    • Mitchell Electorate: Schools (1 speech)
      I rise today to raise the interesting state of schools in my electorate from growth figures that have been released recently and the feedback I've been receiving from principals over many years....
    • Parramatta Electorate: International Mother Language Day (1 speech)
      In language schools across our country, thousands of first generation Australians teach their second generation kids a language other than English. They do this in the hope of keeping their...
    • O'Neill, Mr Paul (1 speech)
      I'd like to acknowledge today and remember the incredible life of local icon, Paul O'Neill. Paul sadly passed away last week at the age of 64. Whether it was the Lismore Speedway, the Marist...
    • Parliament Shop National Showcase, Rogers, Mr Paul Edwin, OAM (1 speech)
      I'm very proud that a sample of the wonderfully creative Mount Vic and Me designer, Kara Cooper, is for sale in the Parliament Shop for the month of March. Her quirky range of Blue Mountains...
    • Petrie Electorate: Community Work (1 speech)
      The Petrie electorate is one of the most beautiful places in Queensland. We have great suburbs. A few weeks ago, though, in Mango Hill, in Deception Bay, I was joined by a volunteer and some of...
    • Medicare: Urgent Care Clinics (2 speeches)
      At the last election, I was very pleased to be able to commit to delivering a Medicare urgent care clinic to my community. The Heidelberg Medicare urgent care clinic has now been up and running...
  • Private Members' Business (0 speeches)
    • Energy (7 speeches)
      I move: That this House: (1) notes that: (a) expensive and unreliable fossil fuel energy has driven up power bills by over 20 per cent in eastern states; (b) households can reduce their bills:...
    • Albanese Government: Economy (9 speeches)
      I move: That this House: (1) notes the Government's economic management has: (a) delivered the first budget surplus in 15 years, something the former Government promised but never delivered; (b)...
    • First Nations Australians (7 speeches)
      Just in continuing—organisations in our regions, and particularly in the bush, are the most important drivers of social cohesion and opportunity in the regions and in communities. It has...
    • Endometriosis Awareness Month (10 speeches)
      by leave—On behalf of the member for Bendigo, I move: That this House: (1) notes that: (a) March is Endometriosis Awareness Month; (b) endometriosis is a progressive, chronic condition that...
    • Tobacco Regulation (10 speeches)
      I move: That this House: (1) notes: (a) the growing illicit tobacco industry is costing the country $4.2 billion in revenue each year this government fails to strengthen penalties and enforcement...
    • Home Guarantee Scheme (5 speeches)
      I move: That this House: (1) acknowledges that: (a) the Government's expanded Home Guarantee Scheme has now supported more than 100,000 people into home ownership since the election, bringing...
  • Statements by Members (0 speeches)
    • Housing Affordability (1 speech)
      In Brisbane and around the country, we are in an acute housing crisis. Today I would like to share the story of one Brisbane constituent in particular, Michelle, who lives on the north side of...
    • Middle East: Occupied Palestinian Territories (1 speech)
      Last week, tens of thousands of people across south-west Sydney marked the beginning of Ramadan, a month in which Muslims put themselves in the shoes of those who are going without, fasting from...
    • Tasmania: Spirit Super Business Excellence Awards (1 speech)
      I rise to acknowledge the winners of this weekend's 2024 Launceston Chamber of Commerce and Spirit Super Business Excellence Awards. I'd like to congratulate the following winners: World Street...
    • Holt Electorate: Holi Celebrations (1 speech)
      I wish everyone in my electorate of Holt and across Australia a happy Holi. Holi is a festival that symbolises the vibrancy, unity and boundless spirit of our diverse community. Holi is not just...
    • Higher Education Loan Program (1 speech)
      Young people want to be able to pay off their HECS debts but the current system of indexation means that they are falling back, not moving forward. Many will find on 1 July that they owe more...
    • Tertiary Education (1 speech)
      It's called 'placement poverty'—that period university students enter when they have to do a work placement to complete their degree but also have to give up their regular paid work to do...
    • Bonner Electorate: Crime (1 speech)
      Bonner is a great place to live, work and raise a family. But, unfortunately, our local community has not been left unscathed by the Queensland crime crisis. This is the result of unsuccessful...
    • Solomon Electorate: March On Challenge (2 speeches)
      This Friday coming up, 22 March, a very special walk will be taking place in Darwin, kicking off at about 5.30 am. I'll fly in from Canberra at about midnight, have a couple of hours kip and then...
    • Casey Electorate: Community Events (1 speech)
      It was an exciting weekend in the Yarra Ranges, with many fantastic community events that I had the pleasure to attend and hold stalls at. I started with the Upwey Belgrave RSL's inaugural Family...
    • Gilmore Electorate: International Women's Day (1 speech)
      On Friday 8 March we celebrated International Women's Day. I want to give a shout-out to two local International Women's Day events that I proudly attended. In the morning, I attended the IWD...
    • Housing (1 speech)
      My 19-year-old intern Zac wrote an honest reflection on the great Australian dream. Like so many young Australians, he's worried that his generation will not be able to own their own home. Here's...
    • Aston Electorate: Community Services (1 speech)
      Over the past month, I've had the opportunity to visit some of the community groups in my electorate that help people who are really struggling. Food banks, community hubs and neighbourhood...
    • Hughes Electorate: International Women's Day Awards (1 speech)
      On 8 March, the women of Hughes came together to celebrate International Women's Day at the beautiful Como Hotel, and I take this opportunity now to mention all of the fabulous winners of the...
    • Turner, Mr Dean Neville (1 speech)
      I stand here to pay tribute to Dean Neville Turner, a kind and remarkable member of my community, who passed away at the age of 56 on 17 February. I knew Dean through his role as president of the...
    • Mallee Electorate: Roads (1 speech)
      ():  I rise today to speak about the need for a heavy vehicle bypass for Mildura in Sunraysia in my electorate of Mallee. On Thursday, I hosted the first round table with stakeholders...
    • Employment (1 speech)
      This is a story of second chances, a story of young men in trouble with the law given an opportunity to learn a trade that will set them up for the future. YMCA ReBuild is a social enterprise in...
    • Live Animal Exports (1 speech)
      I rise to report on the live export listening tour conducted by the coalition's agricultural policy committee in the week of 5 to 8 March. It began in Adelaide where I attended with the committee...
    • Domestic and Family Violence (1 speech)
      Violence against women and children is a problem of epidemic proportion in Australia. Addressing this issue is complex and requires a sustained effort from the government. I'm proud to say that I...
    • Dawson Electorate: Wulguru Steel (1 speech)
      I rise today to speak about an outstanding business: Wulguru Steel. While working in Townsville, in the northern part of my electorate, I had the privilege of a private tour by Wulguru Group's...
    • Boothby Electorate: Community Events (1 speech)
      I'd like to update members on the progress of some of our important local projects in our Boothby, in no particular order. The urgent care clinic at Marion opened in November last year and has...
    • Flinders Electorate: Small Business (1 speech)
      I rise to thank the small businesses who turned out in force to welcome the member for Farrer, the Deputy Leader of the Opposition, to Flinders last Friday. Together we visited the nation's best...
    • Middle East (1 speech)
      Blast injuries, wound infections, gangrenous limbs, acute respiratory tract infections, skin infections, hepatitis, scabies and life and death—this is the situation in Gaza. Thousands of...
    • Queensland: By-Elections (1 speech)
      I'd like to take this moment to acknowledge the tremendous efforts of the volunteers who came out in support of our LNP candidates in Queensland over the weekend. We all know that behind every...
    • Australian Tourism Awards (1 speech)
      The Australian Tourism Awards were held over the weekend, and I was thrilled but not surprised to see tourism experiences and operators in Lyons so well represented amongst finalists and winners....
    • Queensland United Australian South Sea Islander Council Incorporated (1 speech)
      I rise tonight to speak on behalf of the South Sea Islander community in Queensland. It was brought to my attention over the 12 months ago that the Queensland Museum had in its possession...
    • Endometriosis (1 speech)
      Endometriosis is a chronic disease that affects one in nine women. Because it can implant anywhere in the abdomen and pelvis, causing scarring and bleeding, the symptoms are diverse, ranging from...
    • Tobacco Regulation (1 speech)
      Today I'd like to raise the concerns that have been raised with me by many people in my electorate in relation to illicit tobacco. I've been on the record a number of times raising concerns about...
    • Swan Electorate: International Women's Day Awards (1 speech)
      'Count Her In' was the theme of International Women's Day, and we certainly did that in Swan. There was an electric buzz in the room at Mineral Resources Park, the home of the mighty West Coast...
    • Calare Electorate: Central Tablelands Woodcraft (1 speech)
      The year was 1990: the Holden racing team won its first Bathurst 1000; 'Nothing Compares 2 U', by Sinead O'Connor, was No. 1 on the Australian music charts; and the Central Tablelands Woodcraft...
    • Newcastle Electorate: Zervas, Father Nicolaos (2 speeches)
      My heartfelt congratulations go to Father Nicolaos Zervas, whose lifelong service is being recognised with the Freedom of the City Award by the City of Newcastle. Father Nicolaos has served the...
  • Private Members' Business (0 speeches)
    • Science Meets Parliament (7 speeches)
      I move: That this House: (1) notes that: (a) 20 and 21 March 2024 mark the Science Meets Parliament 2024 event in Canberra; and (b) Science Meets Parliament provides the opportunity for...
    • Wine Industry (10 speeches)
      I move: That this House: (1) notes the current crisis facing Australia's wine grape growers; (2) recognises that inland wine regions of the Riverland in South Australia, the Murray Darling and...
    • Health Care: Sleep (4 speeches)
      I move: That this House: (1) acknowledges that: (a) sleep is essential to good physical health and to mental and emotional wellbeing; (b) insufficient sleep increases risks to long-term physical...