House debates

Wednesday, 2 August 2023

Questions without Notice


3:02 pm

Photo of Ed HusicEd Husic (Chifley, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Industry and Science) Share this | Hansard source

Those opposite will puff out their chests and say, 'I'll go to Canberra and ask a question about energy price increases affecting manufacturers.'

But here's a radical idea: why don't those opposite ever look those manufacturers in the eye? Why don't they have the guts to say they voted against the very energy price relief that would have helped those manufacturers? This is the standout quality of those opposite: they're never there with a solution but always there with a problem. Every single Liberal and National MP voted against energy price relief for manufacturers, just like every single Liberal and National MP refused to back Australian manufacturing by backing the National Reconstruction Fund. People who have seen through these guys have seen that they turn up only for a camera. They're never there with a solution but are always part of the problem. (Time expired)


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