House debates
Thursday, 5 June 2008
Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Other Legislation Amendment (2008 Budget and Other Measures) Bill 2008
Consideration in Detail
10:43 am
Bill Shorten (Maribyrnong, Australian Labor Party, Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Children's Services) Share this | Hansard source
I rise to oppose the amendments put by the member for Mackellar. Specifically the item to which she objects is the collection of tax file numbers. The bill allows for the collection of tax file numbers from Commonwealth seniors health card holders to ensure that they remain eligible for the card after it is issued. There is currently no mechanism to determine ongoing eligibility for the card, unlike other concessions and benefits in the social security system. I cannot imagine a set of circumstances where the member for Mackellar would want people to receive a benefit to which they were not eligible. On that basis I am at a loss to understand the amendments. I am also instructed that the bill will align the minimum eligible age for partner service pension paid under the Veterans’ Entitlement Act with that of the veterans service pension age.
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