Senate debates

Wednesday, 7 February 2024

  • O'Donoghue, Dr Lowitja, AC, CBE, DSG (1 speech)
    I rise to inform the Senate of the passing this week of an incredible Australian and wonderful leader for First Nations people, Dr Lowitja O'Donoghue. Dr Lowitja O'Donoghue was born in 1932. She...
  • Albanese Government (1 speech)
    I rise to speak in this place for the first time in 2024. I would like to begin by acknowledging the incredible amount of nonsense, gymnastics and shallow political stunts the Albanese government...
  • Human Rights (1 speech)
    Today I'm wearing a jacket today that was gifted to me by Shakila, an Afghan Hazara refugee. Shakila joined her husband, Juma, in Australia mid last year. Thank you, Shakila. The jacket is...
  • Queensland: Floods (1 speech)
    Everybody knows how proud regional Queenslanders are and the incredible sense of community they hold. That sense of community has never been more apparent than it was on 13 December, when Far...
  • Renewable Energy (1 speech)
    Yesterday 50 regional communities from across Australia gathered on the lawns of parliament to peacefully protest the haphazard manner in which the Labor government are conducting their renewable...
  • Tasmania: Medicare (1 speech)
    If you're an adult with no concession card and you're looking for a bulk-billing doctor in Northern Tasmania, how many options do you reckon there are? None. Bulk-billing isn't supposed to be for...
  • Taxation (1 speech)
    I think it's important to know—because of the scaremongering which has already started on that side of the chamber in relation to the announcement of the Albanese Labor government's tax cut...
  • Ukraine (1 speech)
    Make no mistake: the world is witnessing two wars at the moment. We are in the shadow of conflict. While the war in Israel and Gaza is dominating the headlines, we cannot forget the ongoing...
  • Climate Change (1 speech)
    Today I rise to speak about the climate crisis. We are witnessing its consequences around the world and in our own country, and there is no good news when we look at the tipping points that...
  • Health Care, Australian Centre for Disease Control (1 speech)
    Today I rise to speak about the Australian Centre for Disease Control. This is an exciting development for Australia, and I really welcome the government's commitment to establishing the...
  • Skin Cancer (2 speeches)
    During the break, I went and had some skin cancers removed—a normal process that you go through. There are many big issues we deal with, and some we don't know. I went and saw a...
  • Channel Museum (1 speech)
    Recently I had the pleasure to present our national flag to the Channel Museum, based in Margate, Tasmania. This museum keeps the memories of the D'Entrecasteaux Channel area alive. I was...
  • Taxation (1 speech)
    We know that hardworking Australians are feeling the pinch. It's clear that every single taxpayer deserves a tax cut, so that's exactly what we're doing. Under our plan, 87 per cent of...
  • Middle East (1 speech)
    Israel's invasion of Gaza is catastrophic, with over 27,000 deaths in 123 days of war, many of them women and children, who too often bear the brunt of war. The women, girls and people who...
  • Australia Day (1 speech)
    Along with most Australians, I celebrate Australia Day because it's a day to reflect on our wonderful country, which we are all truly blessed to be in. Sadly, because of the Left, this day is...
  • Tyler, Ms Lorraine Elizabeth, OAM (1 speech)
    Today I want to put on the record the remarkable legacy of my friend Lorraine Tyler. Lorraine left us on 12 January this year. She passed away at the end of what has been a long and difficult...
  • Energy (1 speech)
    The World Economic Forum warned Australians, 'You will own nothing and be happy.' What they didn't say was that they'd use your smart meter to turn off your air conditioning and cut your lights...
  • Taxation (6 speeches)
    We know that the Prime Minister likes to speak out of both sides of his mouth. He loves an each-way bet, fighting Tories and playing political games. On over a hundred occasions, the Prime...
  • Medicare (1 speech)
    Going to the GP should be free. Medicare should cover your brain and your teeth. As I reflected on the 40th anniversary of the existence of Medicare, I couldn't help but reflect on the way in...
  • Taxation (1 speech)
    This Labor government is telling anyone who will listen—anyone at all—that it's going to legislate a tax cut for everybody. But what they didn't tell you is that they broke a promise...
  • Prime Minister (5 speeches)
    I want to tell a story about a bloke who's a blatant and unapologetic—I can't say the word, but it rhymes with 'fire' and begins with the letter 'l'. This someone is a purveyor of untruths.
  • Fibromyalgia (1 speech)
    Almost one million Australians, including many people close to me, are affected by fibromyalgia, and yet it's still a misunderstood condition. It affects people of all ages—mostly women but...
  • Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1 speech)
    This country signed on to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in 1948, in the aftermath of the Holocaust. According to the convention, we have the duty to do...
  • Business Investment (1 speech)
    In the government for vested interests, there are many skewed priorities. One of the most skewed priorities in recent months has been the government's decision to review the professional investor...
  • Queensland: Natural Disasters (2 speeches)
    Recent weeks have been incredibly tough for many Queenslanders, following ex-tropical cyclones Jasper and Kirrily in the far north, the severe storms that lashed parts of Logan and the Gold Coast...