Senate debates

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

  • Tasmania: Environmental Conservation (8 speeches)
    I move: That the Senate notes: (a) the Robbins Passage - Boullanger Bay wetlands complex in Tasmania has been repeatedly assessed as being of global significance, including by the International...
  • Independent Inquiry into Sexual Assault Allegations (7 speeches)
    I seek leave to make a minor amendment to general business notion of motion No. 1064, which has been circulated in the chamber. Leave granted. I, and also on behalf of Senator Rice, move the...
  • Climate Change (2 speeches)
    I ask that general business notice of motion No. 1067, relating to carbon emissions, be taken as formal.
  • Energy (2 speeches)
    I ask that general business notice of motion No. 1068, relating to affordable and reliable power supply, be taken as formal.
  • Climate Change, Energy (11 speeches)
    I seek leave to move general business notices of motion Nos 1067 and 1068 together and for the motions to be determined without amendment or debate. Leave not granted. I move: That so much of the...