Senate debates

Thursday, 10 August 2017

  • World Elephant Day (1 speech)
    I move: That the Senate— (a) notes that: (i) 12 August 2017 is World Elephant Day, (ii) World Elephant Day was launched in 2012 to bring attention to the urgent plight of Asian and African...
  • Dental Health (2 speeches)
    I move: That the Senate— (a) notes that: (i) this week is the Australian Dental Association's Dental Health Week, (ii) this year's theme is Oral Health for Busy Lives, (iii) 16 per cent of...
  • Suspension of Standing Orders (18 speeches)
    Pursuant to contingent notice, I move: That so much of the standing orders be suspended as would prevent Senator Di Natale moving a motion to provide for the consideration of a matter, namely a...
  • Energy (1 speech)
    I, and also in the name of Senator Macdonald, move: That the Senate— (a) notes that: (i) a report commissioned by the Minerals Council of Australia, released in July 2017, states a high...
  • National Security (8 speeches)
    I move: That the Senate— (a) notes that: (i) the Australian Government has a fundamental duty to take all reasonable steps to ensure that air travel in Australia is safe from malicious or...
  • Asylum Seekers (24 speeches)
    I move: That the Senate agrees that Australia's detention centres on Manus Island and Nauru are not safe and that every person who has sought asylum in Australia, and is currently in Papua New...