Senate debates

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

  • India: Republic Day, Small Business (2 speeches)
    Order! It being 7.20 I propose the question: That the Senate do now adjourn.
  • Swan Electorate: Infrastructure (1 speech)
    I want to talk tonight about the electorate of Swan. It is the electorate I live in. I have lived there for many, many years; I know the electorate really well. I can say proudly that the Swan...
  • Taxation (1 speech)
    Our government extracts huge quantities of tax from the rich. It does this for no other reason than that that is where the money is, and it is addicted to huge spending. The imposition of heavy...
  • Western Australian Bushfires (1 speech)
    I rise this evening to acknowledge the losses and ongoing suffering being experienced by many in the south-west of Western Australia in the wake of the devastating bushfires last month that...
  • Tasmanian Bushfires (1 speech)
    I rise tonight to speak of the ravaging fires we have experienced in Tasmania over the past month and their threat to our floral natural heritage and biodiversity in some of my home state's most...
  • United States Presidential Election (1 speech)
    Iwatch the results of the US presidential primary elections and I shudder with fear. Let us not pussyfoot around this, a Donald Trump or a Ted Cruz presidency will undermine many of the...
  • Housing Affordability (1 speech)
    I rise to address Australia's rental crisis. 2.7 million Australian households rent. They are the forgotten face of Australia's housing affordability crisis. They are forgotten in our national...
  • Domestic and Family Violence (1 speech)
    I rise this evening to speak on the plague of domestic violence in Australia, a national disgrace and a black mark on this country. Last Saturday, I was invited to address a community rally...
  • Western Australia: Bushfires (4 speeches)
    Mr Acting Deputy President, happy new year.
  • Australian Broadcasting Corporation: Heywire (1 speech)
    This week, Parliament House will once again host the winners of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's excellent Heywire competition. Tonight I would like to acknowledge two South Australian...
  • Flick, Mr Albert Jack (1 speech)
    I am privileged tonight to rise to reflect upon the life of one of the most respected businessmen, of one of the most respected business families—in my view—in the history of...
  • Nagorno-Karabakh (1 speech)
    I have always adopted a parsimonious approach to spending other people's money. For over 20 years in the union I did not carry business cards, reasoning that anyone who wanted to see me knew who...
  • Centrelink (1 speech)
    I rise tonight to speak about what I could only describe as some of the most terrible experiences that people have been talking to me and my office about as they relate to Centrelink and the...
  • Australia Day (1 speech)
    This is the first sitting of parliament for the year and therefore the first sitting since we celebrated Australia Day. Australia Day is an occasion to celebrate the things that are great about...
  • Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (1 speech)
    Tasmania has so many beautiful places but one of its most breathtakingly spectacular places is the Walls of Jerusalem inside the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. The clifftop walk in the...
  • Fair Work Building and Construction (1 speech)
    Fair Work Building and Construction, under the leadership of Mr Nigel Hadgkiss, is mired in administrative incompetence, cronyism, bias and partiality in the exercise of the agency's functions....
  • Member for Warringah (1 speech)
    Madam Acting Deputy President, a happy new parliamentary year to you. I rise tonight to talk about a matter that will be of importance to all Australians who value equality and diversity. I refer...
  • Orange Sky Laundry (1 speech)
    Last week two young men from Brisbane were honoured with the title Young Australians of the Year. Two young men, Nick Marchesi and Lucas Patchett, launched Orange Sky Laundry in 2015. It was a...
  • Australian Defence Force (1 speech)
    Seated in the Senate public gallery tonight are two young Australian Army veterans to witness my speech, which will address their issues. They are SAS Trooper Evan Donaldson and former Australian...
  • Henry, Ms Margaret, New South Wales Rail Infrastructure, Donations to Political Parties (1 speech)
    Margaret Henry, a wonderful community activist, sadly died in September last year. Margaret was a Newcastle transport and heritage advocate, a former Newcastle university history lecturer, a...