Senate debates

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

  • Asbestos (2 speeches)
    Order! I now propose the question: That the Senate do now adjourn.
  • Ord River Region (1 speech)
    Australia is a big country with some big icons. We have the Great Barrier Reef, Ayers Rock and the Opera House, and some people say the national debt under Labor. But in Western Australia there...
  • Environment: Burrup Peninsula (1 speech)
    I rise to speak about a place that to me and to many others is too precious to lose; I mean to speak about the Burrup Peninsula. In the local language it was and is known as Murujuga, and it is a...
  • Brisbane Relay for Life (1 speech)
    This evening I rise to speak about a matter that I am involved in on a regular basis each year now, and that is raising money for a charitable organisation—the Cancer Council of Queensland...
  • Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment (1 speech)
    I rise tonight to talk about my visit to the Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment, or CRC CARE, located at the University of South...
  • Indigenous Affairs (1 speech)
    I rise tonight to talk about some ongoing issues for Aboriginal people in Western Australia. I will touch briefly on the first one, and that is stolen wages. The WA government announced earlier...