Senate debates

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

  • (1 speech)
    Order! It being almost 12.45 pm, I call on matters of public interest.
  • Liberal Party (28 speeches)
    I rise on a matter of public interest concerning the disintegration of the Liberal Party. The barbarians are at the gate of the Liberal Party. That is how we describe an event where the victims...
  • Australian Film Industry (1 speech)
    Last night the Screen Producers Association of Australia, SPAA, held a reception in the Mural Hall in honour of Emile Sherman, the Australian producer of that wonderful film The King’s...
  • Tuberculosis (1 speech)
    I rise today to speak about tuberculosis, known as TB, and the impact that it has on society. World Tuberculosis Day is marked annually on 24 March, tomorrow, to commemorate the day in 1882 when...
  • Tasmanian Pulp Mill (1 speech)
    As I stand here in the Senate today, Tasmania’s forests are still falling. That may well be news to people around Australia who have been hearing that there is a negotiation going on...
  • World Down Syndrome Day (1 speech, 1 comment)
    I rise today to speak on a matter of public interest: the 15th anniversary on Monday, 21 March of World Down Syndrome Day. The 21st day of the third month is used because people with Down...