Senate debates

Thursday, 8 February 2024

Statements by Senators

Parliamentary Friends of Lithuania

1:58 pm

Photo of Deborah O'NeillDeborah O'Neill (NSW, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

As the chair of the Parliamentary Friends of Lithuania, I was fortunate earlier this week to host a visiting delegation of MPs from across the Lithuanian political spectrum who all share a common attribute: their respect and appreciation for the Australian people and Australian values.

I want to thank those Lithuanian MPs, whose trip was facilitated by their very energetic ambassador, Darius Degutis. I acknowledge Andrius, Dalia, Giedrius and Ieva, who ably represented Lithuania. I note my appreciation for my colleagues Mr Neumann, Ms Templeman, Mr Entsch, Mr Khalil, Senators Fawcett, Sharma, Kovacic and Senator Paterson for their engagement with the delegation as well. Of particular importance to us all was the ongoing illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine and our shared and unwavering commitment to supporting Kyiv in its efforts to protect the Ukrainian people.

For its part, Lithuania has been one of the strongest advocates of Ukraine's independence and has made one of the largest per capita aid donations of any country, at 1.9 per cent of their GDP. Many of us take democracy as a given. We have never known anything else. But Australia stands with Lithuania not just because we share ideals, despite the distance, but because we know the Lithuanians have a voice that is stronger than most. They know democracy is not to be taken for granted. It is only three decades since they rose up and threw off their Russian oppressors.


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