Senate debates

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Questions without Notice

International Development Assistance

2:55 pm

Photo of Concetta Fierravanti-WellsConcetta Fierravanti-Wells (NSW, Liberal Party, Minister for International Development and the Pacific) Share this | Hansard source

We value our partnership with Gavi because of the work that it does with the private sector. It reduces prices and ensures supply of quality vaccines to countries that need them the most. Private sector engagement is essential as part of our successful results in increasing our aid in the region and our aid effort broadly in the Indo-Pacific.

In addition to the financial contribution that we have made to Gavi, we are also a very active member of the Gavi board where we advocate for the interests of the Indo-Pacific region to ensure that Gavi's operations are both effective and efficient. It is policies like these that help developing countries. It helps to keep their children free from vaccine-preventable diseases and, in turn, helps their self-sufficiency. So this is very important to sustained economic growth and poverty reduction— (Time expired)


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