Senate debates

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Questions without Notice


2:34 pm

Photo of Fiona NashFiona Nash (NSW, National Party, Deputy Leader of the Nationals) Share this | Hansard source

I appreciate the question from Senator Griff. This is not a situation that we want to see at any point in time. Of course, it would make it incredibly difficult not only for those two remote area health nurses but also for health workers across South Australia who were caught up in those very, very difficult circumstances. But I do think that we need to acknowledge that it was an unprecedented weather event and that there were interruptions to telecommunications during that period of time that, while very concerning, I think need to be understood. I do understand the concerns from Senator Griff. It is not a situation that any of us want to be in. We do need to ensure that we have communications in regional areas that are as good as they can possibly be. That is why this coalition government is investing $220 million into the black spot program. Again, I inform the chamber that the Labor Party never invested a cent. (Time expired)


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