Senate debates

Wednesday, 14 October 2015


Social Security Legislation Amendment (Debit Card Trial) Bill 2015; In Committee

10:54 am

Photo of Rachel SiewertRachel Siewert (WA, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

I make the same point: we are going to vote on something that the government does not know whether they can pull off or not. In terms of the community body, you talk in the letter—and if I just refer to the letter, I presume everyone knows what I mean—about an appropriate review process of the community body decisions. It does not outline what form that will take, how the review will work. Is it envisaged that DSS will do that or some other body? What are the time lines? What are the processes that will be used—in other words, enabling an appeal process of the community body decisions?


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