Senate debates

Monday, 12 October 2015

Questions without Notice

Arts Funding

2:13 pm

Photo of Mitch FifieldMitch Fifield (Victoria, Liberal Party, Manager of Government Business in the Senate) Share this | Hansard source

Thank you, Mr President. No doubt what Senator Collins was alluding to in her question was the National Program for Excellence in the Arts, which was announced in the previous budget. What my colleagues on this side would be aware of is that it was always the intention that there would be a period of consultation about the design of that program and about the guidelines. That consultation has been undertaken by the Ministry for the Arts. There have been something in the order of about 326 submissions received. The purpose of consultation is to benefit from the input and from the views of those in the sector. I will be taking a look at that input as we look to what the final shape of that program will be.

Can I acknowledge the steadfast and longstanding commitment of the former minister for the arts in this area. I know that he will continue to have a very close interest and involvement in the arts and I look forward to talking to him at great length on an ongoing basis about the arts in Australia.


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