Senate debates

Monday, 27 February 2012

Questions without Notice

Labor Party Leadership

2:24 pm

Photo of Chris EvansChris Evans (WA, Australian Labor Party, Leader of the Government in the Senate) Share this | Hansard source

The Australian people can be absolutely confident that this government is focused on the things that are important to them. We are focused on the economy, we are focused on creating jobs, we are focused on improving the education system and we are focused on health reform and making sure that our hospitals deliver for the Australian people.

We are focused on the things that are important to Australian families, and it is a shame that the Liberal opposition have, again, nothing to say about those important issues. Their plans for Australia are to rip money out of education and to rip money out of health so they can give it back to Rio and to BHP. That is their plan! They are going to slash and burn $70 billion out of the budget in order to repay the mining tax to Rio and BHP, who are recording record profits. That is what the Liberal Party have to offer the Australian people. We will continue to focus on the issues that are important to the Australian people.


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