Senate debates

Monday, 27 February 2012

Questions on Notice

Special Minister of State (Question No. 1511)

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Finance and Deregulation) Share this | Hansard source

The Special Minister of State has provided the following answer to the honourable senator's question:

(1) Following investigation of certified list marks from the 2010 election the names of 16,210 electors were found to be marked off a certified list more than once. Of that number:

  (a) 16,107 were marked twice.

  (b) 77 were marked 3 times.

  (c) 16 were marked 4 times.

  (d) 6 were marked 5 times.

  (e) 1 was marked 6 times.

  (f) 0 were marked 7 times.

  (g) 1 was marked 8 times.

  (h) 1 was marked 9 times.

  (i) 1 was marked 10 times.

  (j) 0 were marked more than 10 times.

(2) (a) The highest number of marks recorded against one individual's name was 10.

  (b) The elector that was marked 10 times was investigated, including being interviewed, by the AFP. As a result of that investigation the AFP advised that, as there was no corroborative evidence available to the commission of an offence, no further action would be taken.

  (c) No.

(3) 3 official cautions were issued to electors that had been marked 3, 2 and 2 times respectively.

(4) Of the 1,458 electors who admitted to multiple voting:

  (a) 676 were male; and

  (b) 782 were female.

(5) Of the 1,458 electors who admitted to multiple voting:

  (a) 19 were age 18;

  (b) 23 were age 19;

  (c) 12 were age 20;

  (d) 22 were age 21;

  (e) 24 were age 22;

  (f) 23 were age 23;

  (g) 23 were age 24;

  (h) 16 were age 25;

  (i) 175 were age 26 – 35;

  (j) 263 were age 36 – 45;

  (k) 227 were age 46 – 55;

  (l) 147 were age 56 – 65;

  (m) 141 were age 66 – 75; and

  (n) 343 were age 76 and over.


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