Senate debates

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Questions on Notice

Flood Levy (Question No. 435)

Photo of Mathias CormannMathias Cormann (WA, Liberal Party, Shadow Assistant Treasurer) Share this | Hansard source

asked the Minister representing the Treasurer, upon notice, on 11 March 2011:

With reference to the Flood Levy:

(1) Have the likely administrative and compliance costs of implementing the proposed measure been assessed; if so, what are they.

(2) (a) What stakeholders will be directly affected by the measure;

(b) have these stakeholders been involved in consultation prior to and during the development of the measure;

(c) what consultation has the Government been engaged in; and

(d) have independent bodies or experts been involved in the consultation process.

(3) Were any alternatives considered before this approach was proposed; if so:

(a) can details of those alternatives be provided; and

(b) why was it decided that those options would not be implemented.

(4) What modelling has been carried out in developing the proposed measure.

(5) Have the broader implications of the implementation of the measure on the economy been forecast; if so, what are they.

(6) Have international comparisons been considered and does the proposed measure accord with international 'best practice'


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