Senate debates

Tuesday, 23 November 2010


Agreement making in Australia under the Workplace Relations Act: 2007 to 2009

7:05 pm

Photo of Julian McGauranJulian McGauran (Victoria, National Party) Share this | Hansard source

I knew it would take nothing to provoke you, Senator Carr. The Rasputin of the Labor Party! It has not taken any more than five seconds of provocation and here he is yelling, screaming and pointing the finger.

I want to make this point about Senator Cameron. I give him utter credit—surprised as I was that he was so courageous—for the way he tagged his own side. He has given it away: he called his own side zombies. He said they had all had lobotomies. Senator Faulkner said they lacked courage—that they had more cunning than courage. Acquiring more cunning than courage is something that Senator Carr has spent a career refining.


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