Senate debates

Thursday, 20 March 2008

Questions without Notice: Take Note of Answers

Answers to Questions

3:29 pm

Photo of Eric AbetzEric Abetz (Tasmania, Liberal Party, Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate) Share this | Hansard source

It is quite obvious that the talent pool within the Labor Party is very shallow. We on this side thought that the performance of Senator Carr was such that people like Senator Hutchins and Senator Wortley might be champing at the bit to replace him, but I must say that their performances were even more abysmal than Senator Carr’s, hard as that is to believe. We had the hapless Senator Hutchins tell us about the issue of prices for petrol. He made exactly the same error as Senator Carr. The question that was asked was: is there a petrol supply shortage in Australia? Senator Carr, not having a brief on the matter but having a brief on petrol prices, spoke all about petrol prices. Even in taking note of answers, Senator Hutchins, having no idea about petrol supply, talked about petrol prices. It was completely irrelevant to the issue that was actually raised.

Senator Wortley raised petrol prices. She said, ‘What did you do about petrol prices during your 11½ years?’ One thing we were was honest with the Australian people. Prime Minister Rudd went to the election last year promising that he could do something about petrol prices—like King Canute, saying that he could turn back the tide. At the time King Canute said it, people rushed around him and said, ‘What a great idea. We like this King Canute fellow,’ and they went and followed him. But, of course, as time went by, King Canute realised that he could not turn back the tide. I understand in that fable that King Canute at least was honest enough to say that he had become too arrogant and sought an apology. I think that is what Prime Minister Rudd ought to do, because he went to the Australian people saying: ‘I hear you on petrol prices. We will do something about it.’ But what has happened with petrol prices? In Sydney they are already at $1.50. One of the issues confronting Australia is the supply of petrol. It was a very large article in the Sydney Morning Herald. That Senator Carr should come in here not briefed on the topic was an absolute disgrace.

For Senator Hutchins to somehow say that this was an issue being asked of a minister representing a minister representing a minister of course is also wrong, because the supply of petrol falls very neatly within the jurisdiction of the Minister for Resources and Energy, who he represents in here on a regular daily basis. He should have been fully briefed on the matter, but he was not. So no matter where we go with Senator Carr, be it on a free trade agreement, be it on plastic bags, be it on schools, be it in any area whatsoever of the responsibilities that he has in this chamber, he is unable to give a coherent answer. It is either because of his overblown sense of self-importance or it is because of his incompetence. I unfortunately fear it may well be the latter. But, of course, when incompetence is there then the arrogance comes in to try to make up for the incompetence.


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