Senate debates

Monday, 17 September 2007

Trade Practices Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2007

In Committee

1:22 pm

Photo of Andrew MurrayAndrew Murray (WA, Australian Democrats) Share this | Hansard source

The Australian Democrats agree with the sentiment of this amendment but can see some weaknesses in it. For instance, if the chair of the commission is already from a small business background, why would you want another person from a small business background? The use of the word ‘must’ is a mistake. The bill should probably better express the fact that there is this new person, which, by the way, we welcome. We think the nature of the work engaged in by the commission warrants an extra person in the deputy’s role. It would probably be one of those areas of business expertise to which the government should have regard when appointing, but that should not necessarily be an instruction because it might be that the total constitution of the commission is such that that area of expertise is already covered. There is good sentiment on this from both the Treasurer and the shadow, but I suspect that the amendment could have been better worded.


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