House debates

Thursday, 17 October 2019

  • Capral Aluminium (1 speech)
    Earlier this month I had the opportunity to visit Capral Aluminium, an Australian nationwide manufacturer and stockholder of aluminium products with its Perth manufacturing base in none other...
  • Wentworth Electorate: Westfield Local Heroes (1 speech)
    Before speaking, I would like to acknowledge the words spoken by the member for Barker about the late Hon. Jim Forbes and the kind things he had to say about a very distinguished career. I rise...
  • Accountability Round Table Integrity Awards (1 speech)
    This week the Accountability Round Table recognised Cathy McGowan AO, my predecessor in this place as the independent member for Indi, with the Alan Missen Award for integrity. The Speaker too...
  • Telecommunications (1 speech)
    Communications technology has been changing and will continue to keep changing at an almost frightening pace. I hesitate to identify myself as one who in 1979, as a newly married, sat on the end...
  • Human Rights (1 speech)
    As members of parliament in such a great democracy, I believe it is our collective duty to stand up for human rights and speak up when we see those rights diminished or abused. It's something...
  • Paradise Dam (1 speech)
    I rise to inform the House of a tale of Shakespearean proportions, or certainly that's how it's starting to look. It's not Romeo and Juliet or The Taming of the Shrew; it's a tale of woe—or...