House debates

Monday, 14 October 2019

Statements by Members

Winzar, Mr Bruce

4:01 pm

Photo of Damian DrumDamian Drum (Nicholls, National Party) Share this | | Hansard source

My statement today is about the achievements of a great Bendigonian: Bruce Winzar. Bruce has recently represented Bendigo Health at a conference of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, known as the HIMSS. This is a global adviser and a thought leader which supports the transformation of the health industry through information and technology. HIMSS serves the global health information technology communities with focused operations across North America, Europe, United Kingdom, the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific, with over 80,000 individual members and 650 corporate members. It recently held its Future50 Asia-Pacific awards, which recognise the top 12 healthcare leaders in the Asia-Pacific. Recipients of the awards came from Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, Korea and Australia. Of the 12, Mr Bruce Winzar, the Chief Information Officer at Bendigo Health, was recognised with the Healthcare IT Leader award. This award recognises leaders from healthcare providers and organisations, as well as leadership in developing digital strategy to improve health outcomes for patients. Congratulations to Bruce. He's been an enormous asset to Bendigo Health for a number of years. He's a great Bendigonian and a fantastic community member. I congratulate Bruce and his wife, Kerry. This well-deserved award is a fantastic part of his career.