House debates

Monday, 14 October 2019

  • National Disability Insurance Agency (1 speech)
    Australians listening tonight are probably aware that the National Disability Insurance Scheme is one of the most important social initiatives that this nation has undertaken. Currently there are...
  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (1 speech)
    On a recent visit to Thuringowa State High School in my electorate, I was absolutely blown away by the students' incredible knowledge of, and enthusiasm for, science, technology, education and...
  • Trade (2 speeches)
    Here we are again, as a parliament, about to embark on another debate about free trade agreements. As it's starting to play out in the community, again, as they should, they're asking: what's in...
  • Kingston Electorate: National Disability Insurance Scheme (1 speech)
    Just recently I was very pleased to host an NDIS forum in my electorate of Kingston, along with the shadow federal minister and the shadow state minister. At this forum, we allowed community...
  • Ryan Electorate: Safety (1 speech)
    I rise to speak in the House tonight about important health initiatives for families in the Ryan electorate. The first is water safety and the second is being sun smart. Summer is just around the...