House debates

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

  • Shortland Electorate (1 speech)
    I'm pleased to provide the House with an update on the state of Shortland as we come to the end of 2018. This year has been quite momentous nationally, and it's been a busy one locally. I want to...
  • O'Connor Electorate: Cancer Care Services (1 speech)
    I use this grievance debate as an opportunity to raise the unresolved issue of a fully funded linear accelerator machine, which will be granted to Albany through the federal Radiation Oncology...
  • Broadband (2 speeches)
    I welcome the opportunity to contribute to this grievance debate tonight. I welcome the opportunity because I'll be talking about an issue with which I've had a grievance for a very, very long...
  • Aged Care (1 speech)
    I raise a grievance on behalf of the people who I represent in my electorate. Like you, Mr Deputy Speaker, my electorate is one that has a lot of seniors, a lot of retirees, a lot of pensioners...
  • Solomon Electorate: Larrakia People (2 speeches)
    In the Top End the wet season is almost here. It has mostly brought heat and humidity so far, but some good storms as well as some good rain. This season is known as the balnba season in the...