House debates

Thursday, 27 November 2008

  • Forrest Electorate: General Practice (1 speech)
    I wish to speak about the shortage of doctors in the south-west of Western Australia, particularly in my electorate of Forrest. We certainly have a distinct shortage of doctors, even throughout...
  • Sydney Electorate: Lord Howe Island (1 speech)
    I want to report to the Committee about a recent rescue on Lord Howe Island. Lord Howe Island is part of my electorate of Sydney. One of my constituents, Pam Goyen, a resident of Lord Howe...
  • Young People in Nursing Homes (1 speech)
    Today I rise to speak on a subject which is very dear to my heart and one that has been an issue for me ever since I came into this political career. It is the issue of young people living in...
  • Port Adelaide Electorate: Dolphins (3 speeches)
    I rise today to talk about one of the great treasures, alongside our football teams, of the electorate of Port Adelaide—that is, our dolphins. Some years ago the Rann Labor government...
  • Gippsland Electorate: Child Care (1 speech)
    I rise to highlight the concerns of parents, children and staff involved in the ABC Learning Centres in Gippsland. As the Deputy Prime Minister announced in this place yesterday, the receiver of...
  • Community Achievement Awards for Tasmania (1 speech)
    On Saturday night in Hobart the Community Achievement Awards for Tasmania will be presented. I note that nine of the finalists are from my electorate of Lyons, which shows me that I have the most...
  • Budget (1 speech)
    If Australians thought at the last election that they were going to get a government that was very much in the responsible Howard-Costello mould, one that would know how to manage the national...
  • Hindmarsh Electorate: Cypriot Community (1 speech)
    This weekend I will be attending a function to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Cypriot community in South Australia. Cypriots were first recorded in Australia in the 1850s. They were...
  • Swan Electorate: Grandcare (1 speech)
    The first official duty I undertook after I was declared the federal member for Swan last December was at a Christmas event for Grandcare. Grandcare is an organisation that helps grandparents who...
  • Blaxland Electorate: Cabramatta (1 speech)
    Cabramatta is a thriving town, full of life, colour and culinary delights. It is a very busy shopping district in my electorate, but it is a community that has had to endure a lot. In the...
  • Murray-Darling River System (1 speech)
    This week in the debate on the Water Amendment Bill 2008, Minister Penny Wong raised the issue of Labor’s disastrous water buyback scheme for the Murray-Darling Basin. Minister Wong said,...
  • Great Ocean Road (1 speech)
    I would like to take this opportunity to place on the agenda a looming issue in my electorate—the threats to the operation of the Great Ocean Road. I want to put on the table the need for...
  • Mr Ernest William 'Grumpy' Evans (1 speech)
    Last Thursday, I had the very unpleasant duty of attending the funeral of Mr Ernest William ‘Grumpy’ Evans, NX176692, who served in the 58th and 59th Battalion in Bougainville and...
  • Blair Electorate: Storms (1 speech)
    I wish to speak about the terrible and severe storms which affected South-East Queensland from 16 November to 22 November. They have affected my electorate of Blair, which is based in Ipswich and...
  • Monash Awards (1 speech)
    I had the privilege of attending the General Sir John Monash Awards this week. They are annual awards presented to up to eight young Australians who graduate from Australian universities and...
  • Mr Colin McDonald QC; Mr Robert Grey (1 speech)
    Madam Deputy Speaker, a parliamentary secretary has limited opportunities to participate in the debates of this House, so I trust you will excuse me for trying to compress two matters into three...
  • Australian Learning Communities Network Inc. (1 speech)
    I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge an organisation within the community that is working towards a goal that I hold very dear—that is, the creation of a culture of lifelong...
  • Lindsay Electorate: Samuel Morris Foundation (1 speech)
    I rise to acknowledge the important work being undertaken by the Samuel Morris Foundation, which was established in March 2007 to provide assistance to families of children suffering from severe...
  • Mayo Electorate: Mr and Mrs Goldner (1 speech)
    I join with the member for Lindsay. Water Safety is a worthwhile cause. As the parent of two young children, drowning is one of the biggest fears you are ever likely to have. I welcome and...
  • Maribyrnong Electorate: Mr David Cunningham (1 speech)
    I believe in the vital importance of people with disability being able to participate fully in our community, including our workplaces. Along with the Minister for Employment Participation, we...