House debates

Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Questions without Notice

Liberal Party: Leadership

2:25 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Manager of Opposition Business in the House) Share this | | Hansard source

My question is addressed to the Minister for the Environment and Water Resources. I refer to today’s reports by Dennis Shanahan and Paul Kelly in the Australian that a meeting occurred in the foreign minister’s Sydney hotel suite which involved the Minister for Justice and Customs, the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, the Minister for Industry, Tourism and Resources, the Attorney-General, the Minister for Defence, the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship and the Minister for Education, Science and Training. Did the minister attend that meeting and did he express his support for the current Prime Minister at that meeting?

Photo of David HawkerDavid Hawker (Speaker) Share this | | Hansard source

The question is close to being out of order, but if the minister chooses to answer it I will call the minister.

Photo of Malcolm TurnbullMalcolm Turnbull (Wentworth, Liberal Party, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources) Share this | | Hansard source

The question is out of order; I would agree with that.

Opposition Members:

Opposition members interjecting

Photo of Malcolm TurnbullMalcolm Turnbull (Wentworth, Liberal Party, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources) Share this | | Hansard source

No, I will answer it. I will take the question.

Photo of David HawkerDavid Hawker (Speaker) Share this | | Hansard source

Order! The minister does not yet have the call. The minister wishes to answer the question. I call the Minister for the Environment and Water Resources.

Photo of Malcolm TurnbullMalcolm Turnbull (Wentworth, Liberal Party, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources) Share this | | Hansard source

I attended that meeting. That is the answer to your question.

Opposition Members:

Opposition members interjecting

Photo of Malcolm TurnbullMalcolm Turnbull (Wentworth, Liberal Party, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources) Share this | | Hansard source

I attended that meeting. The Prime Minister has the support of everybody at that meeting. The discussions at the meeting are not part of my portfolio responsibilities, but I have answered the question. The Prime Minister has the support, as Prime Minister, of everybody in the cabinet. That is the answer.