House debates

Thursday, 14 June 2007

Questions to the Speaker

Speaker’s Rulings

3:35 pm

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Manager of Opposition Business in the House) Share this | | Hansard source

I have a question to you, Mr Speaker. It concerns the use of standing order 94(a) to exclude the member for Lilley today from the House without warning, for an hour.

Photo of David HawkerDavid Hawker (Speaker) Share this | | Hansard source

I would remind the Manager of Opposition Business that the member for Lilley was warned.

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Manager of Opposition Business in the House) Share this | | Hansard source

Mr Speaker, could you examine the tape and argue whether the member for Lilley was the most disorderly person in the House during question time?

Photo of David HawkerDavid Hawker (Speaker) Share this | | Hansard source

The Manager of Opposition Business is now reflecting on the chair.

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Manager of Opposition Business in the House) Share this | | Hansard source

No, I am not.

Photo of David HawkerDavid Hawker (Speaker) Share this | | Hansard source

The Manager of Opposition Business already has the answer to his question. The member for Lilley was warned. He continued to interject, and he was accordingly asked to leave under standing order 94(a).

Photo of Anthony AlbaneseAnthony Albanese (Grayndler, Australian Labor Party, Manager of Opposition Business in the House) Share this | | Hansard source

Could you examine the tape and see whether the behaviour of any government members was disorderly during question time and during the suspension debate before the parliament today?

Photo of David HawkerDavid Hawker (Speaker) Share this | | Hansard source

I say to the Manager of Opposition Business, yes, I do examine the tape after occasions like today, but I will not be revisiting any decisions.