House debates

Wednesday, 16 August 2006

Petroleum Retail Legislation Repeal Bill 2006

Second Reading

Debate resumed from 15 August, on motion by Mr Ian Macfarlane:

That this bill be now read a second time.

upon which Mr Martin Ferguson moved by way of amendment:

That all words after “That” be omitted with a view to substituting the following words: “whilst not declining to give the bill a second reading, the House:

calls on the Government to require the Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources to report to the Parliament annually, commencing in August 2007, on the measures taken and the progress made to:
increase market penetration of ethanol and biodiesel, LPG and CNG, including the number and location of service stations and the names of the companies offering these products on their retail sites;
secure new investment in biofuel, LPG and CNG production and supply infrastructure in Australia; and
secure investment in new alternative transport fuel industries in Australia, including gas and coal to liquids;
calls on the Government to review, in 2009, the proposal to introduce excise on ethanol and biodiesel, LPG and CNG in 2011, and consider whether or not there is a case for delaying the introduction of excise, depending on the progress made:
in increasing market penetration of biofuels, LPG and CNG;
in securing new investment in biofuels, LPG and CNG production and supply infrastructure in Australia; and
towards achieving the 350 million litre biofuels target in 2010.
criticises the Government for:
its tardiness in moving on petrol retail reform;
bypassing due parliamentary process in introducing a regulation to “undeclare” companies under the Sites Act;
failing to introduce amendments to the TPA to implement the 2003 Dawson and 2004 Senate recommendations for reform; and
failing to act to reduce Australia’s dependence on foreign oil and improve its transport fuel security;
calls on the Government to immediately conduct a feasibility study into a gas to liquids fuels plant in Australia, including:
consideration of Petroleum Resources Rent tax incentives for developers of gas fields which provide resources for gas to liquid fuels projects;
examining a new infrastructure investment allowance for investment in Australian gas to liquids infrastructure; and
developing a targeted funding scheme for research and development in this area;
calls on the Government to immediately embrace Labor’s Fuels Blueprint proposal to:
make alternative fuel vehicles tariff free, cutting up to $2000 off the price of current hybrid cars; and
grant tax rebates for converting petrol cars to LPG; and
calls on the Government to immediately embrace Labor’s Fuels Blueprint to find more oil and use more gas by;
re-examining the depreciation regime for gas production infrastructure;
allowing the selective use of flow-through share schemes for smaller operators”.

9:05 am

Photo of John MurphyJohn Murphy (Lowe, Australian Labor Party, Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Opposition) Share this | | Hansard source

In relation to the Petroleum Retail Legislation Repeal Bill 2006, it is important to provide a regulatory environment which allows refineries to select business models that are appropriate for the market. However we cannot forget those many small businesses that are also struggling to survive. It is true that if there are no minimum standards for the wide range of contractual arrangements relevant in this industry, many small mum-and-dad business owners will be vulnerable to the market power of fuel suppliers during negotiations. The Oilcode will be introduced as a mandatory industry code under section 51AE of the Trade Practices Act 1974. It will, belatedly, bring the whole industry under a common regulatory regime that provides more protections for all industry participants and consumers. This will include protection being made available to commissioned agents and independent operators, who currently do not have the protections that are available to franchisees. Of relevance, all small petroleum business owners, without the deep pockets of oil companies, will now have access to a low-cost dispute resolution scheme. Furthermore, there will be greater transparency in wholesale fuel pricing for small businesses who do not have the resources to undertake extensive research and analysis on pricing issues.

While the bill before us shows that the government is capable of taking corrective action in the retail petrol market, one must question why it has taken so long. Why has a 25-year-old regulatory regime been allowed to fester until today? Rather than taking the initiative to resolve the issues raised by this bill before Australia approached an oil crisis, the government has waited until we are smack in the middle of one before taking its first steps. True to form, the government is happy to surf on the good times but disclaim responsibility when things go badly. We have seen it with interest rates and we now see it with increased petrol prices.

It was illuminating to read the Senate Economics Legislation Committee report into this bill, which suggested that the government did not proceed with this bill in 1998 because the affected parties could not agree on the Oilcode proposal. On my reading, it appears that it has taken over six long years for the government to broker a compromise on the Oilcode. Clearly, the government has failed to show leadership to bring refineries, distributors, retailers and consumers together to overhaul a 25-year-old system that did not benefit any of them.

There can be no doubt that vigorous marketplace competition is one step to hold down petrol prices as low as possible. Yet, at a time when petroleum retailing was being whittled down to a battle between Coles and Woolworths, the Howard government stood by and watched its anachronistic legislation prevent others from competing on an equal footing. That is outrageous. The best consumers were offered at the time was the Prime Minister’s proclamation that world oil prices were out of his control. That much may be true, but it does not explain the government’s lethargy in reforming the petrol retail industry and showing serious commitment to other energy sources.

More should and could have been done to mitigate the impact of petrol prices on ordinary Australians before we reached a petrol crisis, not while we are in the midst of one. Indeed, more could have been done with this bill. However, given the paucity of offerings from the Howard government on petrol initiatives in the past, it is a natural inclination for us to take anything we are given. Nonetheless, the Labor Party has always held firm the view during this debate that section 46 amendments to the Trade Practices Act are necessary to address concerns about the potential for the abuse of market power in the petroleum industry. There should be no ducking and weaving on the other side in relation to this amendment, which will only ensure huge corporations operate properly and fairly towards small businesses.

Much has been said by greater minds than ours, including Associate Professor Frank Zumbo, who advised the Senate Economics Legislation Committee that the Trade Practices Act required amendment in light of its ineffectiveness to deal with the important issues of predatory pricing and other abuses of market power. This amendment has taken on a heightened sense of urgency in light of the increasing rationalisation of the petroleum industry.

While one aim of this bill is to increase competition, we cannot forget that the main objective of competitors within a market is to eliminate competition. The increasing oligopolisation in this and many other industries pays testimony to this fact. The government should not half complete its job of promoting competition in the petroleum industry by ignoring the vulnerability of small businesses to the blatant abuse of market power. High Court cases dealing with this issue do not bode well for the ACCC securing prosecutions for the misuse of market power under current provisions in the future. Again, we should not allow dysfunctional legal provisions to fester while market share is increasingly being concentrated in the hands of few rather than in the hands of many.

Of course, the reforms in this bill and the proposed amendments are not a panacea for the problems being experienced by millions of Australians. They barely provide the first step. However, given the length of time the Howard government has been dragging its feet on petrol retail reform and energy reform, it is an important first step.

It was pleasing to see the Prime Minister take a leaf out of Labor’s Australian fuels blueprint yesterday and take a number of other steps towards mitigating the petrol crisis. They are small steps, but they are better than nothing. Without going into great detail, far more could be done to wean Australia off Middle East oil and to develop a diversified home-grown fuel industry. I am sure we would all like to see that. I know the Minister for Industry, Tourism and Resources would. I was listening to him on Radio National and on local ABC radio this morning. You have been very busy—good on you.

The Leader of the Opposition and the member for Batman have spoken at length about the conversion of gas to liquid, including petroleum resources rent tax initiatives for developers of gas fields who provide resources for gas to liquid fuels projects. While the Prime Minister has adopted Labor’s  proposals to subsidise the conversion of cars from petrol to LPG, he will slug motorists with an excise on LPG for the first time in the future. What he gives with one hand he will soon take with his other invisible hand.

I am a firm supporter of a sustainable ethanol industry in Australia, and am appalled that not enough has been done to assist its take-up by consumers. While the government says it is committed to the ethanol industry, we know that few of Australia’s 6,500 petrol stations stock E10. I certainly try to put E10 in my car whenever I can. I have listened to the minister over a long period of time in relation to this and I urge him to do more to encourage the production of crops that will produce ethanol. There is a lot of debate on this issue at the moment, and the feeling is that Australia cannot produce sufficient ethanol to meet a mandated 10 per cent. It can if you have the will.

I went to Brazil as part of my study tour last year and I have seen exactly what they did following the oil shocks of the 1970s. They literally stuck it up the oil companies, and the whole country runs on ethanol. It was illuminating to see that every car runs on a mandated 25 per cent ethanol and that they have flex-fuel cars which can take 90 per cent ethanol and 10 per cent gasoline. The whole country is going ahead in leaps and bounds.  I think we should be doing more to promote the production of ethanol. I know there are vast reserves of water in the northern part of Western Australia near the Ord River. I do not know why we are not producing crops that will ultimately produce a lot more ethanol and mean that we will be less reliant on Middle East oil. I hope the minister does something about that, because I know he believes that we have not got the capacity to produce more ethanol. Go and look at the experience in Brazil. They made it happen.

We need to do more to encourage a sustainable ethanol industry here and stem the flow of investment dollars being spent on ethanol overseas in lieu Australia. Alternatively, if long-term projects are far too visionary for this government, it can begin by backing Labor’s proposal to give the ACCC the power to formally monitor petrol prices. As we can see, the repeal of the anachronistic Petroleum Retail Marketing Sites Act 1980 and Petroleum Retail Marketing Franchise Act 1980 is but one of the many small steps the government should have taken a long time ago to alleviate the pressure on Australian motorists. It is a step forward nonetheless and, for that, I guess we should all be very grateful.

9:15 am

Photo of Annette EllisAnnette Ellis (Canberra, Australian Labor Party) Share this | | Hansard source

I am pleased to have the opportunity to speak on the Petroleum Retail Legislation Repeal Bill 2006 and support the member for Batman and my colleagues on the amendments to this bill. It is disappointing that only one government backbencher is speaking on this bill. As this is a vital issue at a time when petrol prices are soaring, I cannot interpret that as other than an indicator of the growing arrogance within government ranks.

This bill is very timely. People in my electorate and across Australia are struggling with soaring petrol prices, interest rate increases and more uncertainty in the workplace. People are now spending a higher proportion of their income on mortgage payments than ever before. At the last election the Prime Minister promised to keep interest rates low, but people are now realising the hollowness of that promise. People now spend 11 per cent of household disposable income on mortgages, compared to 9.3 per cent when interest rates peaked in 1989. So those families in my electorate who are paying off a mortgage are hurting much more now than they did in the past.

The recent rate rise will hurt everyone with a mortgage, but there are some who will be hurt more than others. In some suburbs in my community more than half the private homes are paying off a mortgage—62 per cent in Banks, 61 per cent in Conder, 55 per cent in Gordon, 53 per cent in Calwell, 52 per cent in Macarthur and 51 per cent in Theodore. I name those suburbs on purpose, because they are outer suburbs. As these people live in outer suburbs, chances are they have to travel more than many others to get around the town, and high petrol costs are going to make their lives a lot more difficult. The majority of these people are young families for whom every dollar of disposable income counts, and the impact of fuel prices is really beginning to bite.

People in the outer suburbs rely on their cars to take their kids to school, to take family members or friends to medical appointments, to go shopping, to visit family, to get to work and to get their children to recreational activities at weekends. I am concerned about the financial stress these high petrol prices are placing on those types of families within my community.

The bill we are debating today is a belated response to the problem of spiralling petrol prices. It will repeal the sites act and franchises act, which are now out of date and ineffective because of structural changes in the petroleum retail sector. The entry of supermarket chains into the petrol market, and their market strength, has changed the nature of the retail petrol sector, but the legislation has not kept up with these changes. As the previous speaker, the member for Lowe, said, it is interesting that the regulatory regime has been in place for decades while the marketplace has changed so dramatically, with two very big players—Woolworths and Coles—having an enormous role in those market changes. I cannot help but think of the many independent owners in the petrol business who have gone out of the marketplace during those years. It is of some concern when you think about the impact.

As a result, the different types of retail participants are subject to different protections and regulatory requirements. Unfortunately, the current legislation favours some retailers more than others. As I said, when I reflect on the past and the changes that have come with the big players as against the small, that really does ring true. This bill will ensure that all market participants can compete on equal terms. Once the current legislation is repealed, a new regulation, the Trade Practices (Industry Codes-Oilcode) Regulations 2005, will be introduced. This will put all retailers on a level playing field. The Oilcode will bring the supermarket chains under a mandatory industry code of practice for the first time.

I am pleased that this bill has the support of the overwhelming majority of market retailers, motorists and the peak bodies that represent them. I support this bill. However, it is a shame that the government ignored Labor’s proposal seven years ago to strengthen the Trade Practices Act and repeal the acts. Unfortunately, the government is still ignoring this important aspect. That is why I support the amendments proposed by the member for Batman. These amendments will strengthen the Trade Practices Act to develop a comprehensive approach to petrol retail pricing and provide greater scope for dealing with market power abuse. This will further protect small business. These amendments were recommended by the 2003 Dawson inquiry and by the 2004 Senate recommendations for reform, but the government continues to ignore those recommendations.

There are several measures the government could take to address the rising cost of petrol. The ACCC should have greater powers to formally monitor petrol prices and to demand information from oil companies and retailers. The community wants nothing more, or less, than that. The government should reduce our dependency on foreign oil. Labor has a plan to do this and policies to encourage alternative energy use. Labor has proposed the following measures: finding more gas and oil in Australia; making alternative fuel vehicles tariff free; cutting up to $2,000 from the price of current hybrid cars; granting tax rebates for converting petrol cars to LPG; and conducting a feasibility study into gas to liquid fuels plants in Australia—which, as we have heard in the last couple of days, the Prime Minister is now happy to consider.

In our amendments to this bill, Labor calls on the government to require the Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources to report to the parliament annually on measures taken and the progress made to: firstly, increase market penetration of ethanol and biodiesel, LPG and CNG, including the number and location of service stations and the names of the companies offering these products on their retail sites; secondly, secure new investment in biofuel, LPG and CNG production and supply infrastructure in Australia; and, thirdly, secure investment in new alternative transport fuel industries in Australia, including gas and coal to liquids.

The Prime Minister claims there is nothing he can do to control the soaring petrol prices, but clearly that is not the case completely. Labor has a comprehensive approach, outlined in our amendments to this bill and in Labor’s fuels blueprint, which we believe will make a difference.

The other point I want to make in general terms is on technology in this country. We are always pretty good at developing good technology. I have no doubt on that. I know that it exists, that car manufacturers both here and overseas have developed vehicles and technology that could begin to answer a lot of the questions that we have in relation to the cost of fuel. We need to look at that technology, and not only for the sake of the cost of fuel.

The driving impetus for these things has been the environment. Long before we were talking about the price of petrol, we were talking about the need to do something about this, technologically, for the sake of the environment. I am not for one moment saying that one is more important than the other; we really need to consider both. I would like to think that the government could bring to bear more pressure than it has to date, or could increase the pressure and the influence it already has on car manufacturers to talk about real alternatives: future hybrid cars and other future alternatives which would answer not only, to a great degree, the fuel question but also the environment question attached to this whole debate. In closing, I endorse entirely the words of and the amendments moved by the member for Batman and hope that we will see a change in the future on this whole question of fuel in Australia.

9:24 am

Photo of Ian MacfarlaneIan Macfarlane (Groom, Liberal Party, Minister for Industry, Tourism and Resources) Share this | | Hansard source

I thank those members who have contributed to the debate on the Petroleum Retail Legislation Repeal Bill 2006. I hope we will see agreement to this bill that will remove two pieces of legislation that, as previous speakers have said, have become outdated and ineffective. The success of the Oilcode will provide all industry participants with a national approach to terminal gate pricing, set a minimum standard for a wider range of contractual arrangements, and provide access to downstream petroleum dispute resolution schemes. A new approach to terminal gate pricing will provide a transparent regime that will ensure that all customers, including independents, can access terminal gate pricing information and have the option to buy petroleum products on a temperature-corrected basis at the terminal gate. Improvements to tenure arrangements for common agents and increased disclosure requirements will benefit small business participants. The Oilcode’s dispute resolution scheme will provide a low-cost and rapid means of addressing disputes as an alternative to legal action. These changes are likely to lead to increased competition in the sector, with the potential for positive impacts on fuel prices, particularly in rural and regional areas. Development of the downstream petroleum reform package, including the Oilcode, follows extensive consultation over the past four years with industry associations, industry, consumer groups, state and territory agencies and relevant Australian government portfolios. I would like to thank all of those who have provided valuable input into this process.

I will speak for a moment about the amendments proposed by the member for Batman. He has moved some amendments requiring government action on alternative fuels. While he is one of the opposition’s more progressive members, he is behind the times on the issue.

Photo of Martin FergusonMartin Ferguson (Batman, Australian Labor Party, Shadow Minister for Primary Industries, Resources, Forestry and Tourism) Share this | | Hansard source

Don’t you shake.

Photo of Ian MacfarlaneIan Macfarlane (Groom, Liberal Party, Minister for Industry, Tourism and Resources) Share this | | Hansard source

I would have said that anyway, but they’ve written it in here. We like his policy on uranium and particularly on nuclear energy—

Photo of Martin FergusonMartin Ferguson (Batman, Australian Labor Party, Shadow Minister for Primary Industries, Resources, Forestry and Tourism) Share this | | Hansard source

What about flow-through shares?

Photo of Ian MacfarlaneIan Macfarlane (Groom, Liberal Party, Minister for Industry, Tourism and Resources) Share this | | Hansard source

We should not digress. No government ever has done more to support alternative fuel than ours and we are now seeing results. By 5 pm last night, the AusIndustry hotline had fielded some 3,800 calls from motorists looking for information on the LPG initiative that the Prime Minister had announced the day before. Yesterday, BP announced that it was increasing ethanol sales in Queensland, with a projected target of an eight-fold increase.

The Australian government is keen to offer as many choices as practical to the motorist. We believe that these reforms to the retail petroleum sector will aid those choices and help make them more affordable to motorists. We cannot support the opposition’s amendments, which serve no purpose. We commend the bill to the House.

Question put:

That the words proposed to be omitted (Mr Martin Ferguson’s amendment) stand part of the question.