House debates

Monday, 14 August 2006

  • (1 speech)
    Order! It being after 9.00 pm, I propose the question: That the House do now adjourn.
  • Herceptin (1 speech)
    Nearly a year ago the Australian Cancer Council called for the rapid listing of Herceptin for the benefit of about 2,500 women each year diagnosed with early breast cancer. International research...
  • Career Advice Australia (1 speech)
    During the winter recess, I had the pleasure of launching the Blue Mountains-Hawkesbury-Penrith local school industry partnership, part of the Australian government’s Career Advice...
  • Kokoda Track (1 speech)
    On 21 July 1942 the Japanese Imperial Army, having leap-frogged through South-East Asia, reached the village of Gona on the north coast of Papua New Guinea. Under the command of Lieutenant...
  • Fuel Prices (1 speech)
    I support the previous speaker in his comments relating to the Kokoda Track. Tonight I want to talk about the price of fuel. It is very topical across Australia, but I want to focus on a...
  • Electorate of Parramatta: Violence (1 speech)
    It is with sadness that I speak today about the senseless attack on the Parramatta and District Synagogue. Sectarian and religious violence is largely unknown in Parramatta, but a fortnight ago,...
  • Lachlan Thompson’s Human Powered Vehicle (2 speeches)
    I rise to relate to the House a great story about how chance and ingenuity combined to help Australia become a cycling superpower. In 1983, Lachlan Thompson was an aerospace engineering student...