House debates

Tuesday, 10 August 2021

  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Statements by Members (0 speeches)
    • Climate Change (1 speech)
      [by video link] The IPCC report released overnight leaves no room for any doubt. We are in a race to save the planet. If nothing changes, global warming could hit 1½ degrees by 2030. This is...
    • COVID-19: Vaccination (1 speech)
      [by video link] The COVID pandemic has thrust Australians into the most difficult of circumstances in living memory. It is in these times that the very best of human nature is so often on...
    • Cabaero, Ms Lina (1 speech)
      Today I rise to speak about the great loss of one of the outstanding constituents of the electorate of Barton. Lina Cabaero, a friend and colleague to many in this place, unfortunately lost her...
    • Nanbarry (1 speech)
      [by video link] There are many Indigenous names from history that we know well. Bennelong, Pemulwuy and Barangaroo come to mind, but there are many, many other people who should feature more in...
    • Child Care (1 speech)
      [by video link] Early learning services and educators in New South Wales are doing it particularly tough during this lockdown. They are still open and serving families in the community who are...
    • Sargon Capital (1 speech)
      I seek leave to table documents in the House related to allegations of a Chinese state-linked entity deliberately seeking to liquidate Australian companies. Leave granted. I table the documents....
    • Eden-Monaro Electorate: Win the Day (1 speech)
      I rise to acknowledge and thank the Queanbeyan Whites rugby union club for their inspiring Win the Day charity round on Saturday. They traded in their white jerseys for black ones boasting a...
    • Tokyo Olympic Games (1 speech)
      I congratulate all the Olympic athletes for their outstanding efforts at the Tokyo games, especially those from my electorate of Menzies: swimmer Brendon Smith and sports climber Oceana...
    • Indi Electorate: Grit and Resilience Project (1 speech)
      The last two years have seen so many challenges—fires, drought floods, pandemic—and we've seen some incredible grit in the face of it all. But mental health needs are huge and...
    • Pooley, Mr Robert Charles (Bob) (1 speech)
      Today I pay tribute to much-loved George Town local sports personality and one of the nicest blokes you could ever meet, Robert Charles Pooley, who passed away unexpectedly last month. He was a...
    • Morrison Government (1 speech)
      The Morrison Liberal federal government are not on the side of ordinary Australians. We've had evidence of that again today, with debt notices given to ordinary Australians while there's been a...
    • Tokyo Olympic Games (1 speech)
      I have never been so proud of our country and its people as I have over the past two weeks. At a time when our nation needed a lift, our Olympians have truly delivered, with a record medal haul...
    • Veterans: Census (1 speech)
      This government is on its sixth veterans affairs minister in eight years. The new minister presides over a department that is dysfunctional and has delays in terms of processing claims, and we...
    • Forde Electorate: Cedar Creek State School (1 speech)
      I recently had the pleasure of visiting Cedar Creek State School, a small but proud school with a strong community spirit in my electorate of Forde. It was my honour to present them with a cheque...
    • Macarthur Electorate: COVID-19 (1 speech)
      I want to take some time today to thank our critical frontline workers, in particular our healthcare workers and our police. We are under stress in my electorate of Macarthur because of the...
    • Gippsland Electorate: Krauatungalung Walk (1 speech)
      For several years now, I've been pursuing a vision in partnership with the Lakes Entrance community to establish a boardwalk on the shores of Cunninghame Arm which will celebrate our region's...
    • JobKeeper Payment (1 speech)
      Jan is a schoolteacher who works part-time, and her school received JobKeeper. As a result, according to Centrelink, she was overpaid $1,049.85 on her age pension. This is the letter that...
    • Covid-19 (5 speeches)
      When will the madness end? How many more freedoms will we lose due to fear of a virus which has a survivability rate of 997 out of a thousand? It's time we stopped spreading fear and acknowledged...
    • Stirling Electorate: Surfing WA (2 speeches)
      Like so many Aussies, I'm a massive fan of our oceans. My family and I are always surfing, swimming and spearfishing every chance we get. It's a wonderful outcome that the election commitment I...
  • Condolences (0 speeches)
    • Beale, Mr Julian Howard (1 speech)
      I inform the House of the death on 3 August 2021 of Julian Howard Beale, a member of this House for the division of Deakin from 1984 until 1990 and Bruce from 1990 to 1996. As a mark of respect...
  • Questions without Notice (0 speeches)
    • Climate Change (7 speeches)
      A brief indulgence on behalf of this side of the House: I dissociate this side of the House with the comments of the member for Dawson during 90-second statements. They are a disgrace and do...
    • Covid-19 (6 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. Will the Prime Minister please update the House on the progress of the Morrison government's plan to chart Australia's path back from the COVID-19 pandemic...
    • Climate Change (10 speeches)
      [by video link] My question is to the Prime Minister. In response to last night's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, the Prime Minister claimed today: We need more technology and...
    • Economy (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Treasurer. How is the Morrison government's strong economic leadership ensuring our economy remains resilient during these challenging times so that Australia is well placed...
    • Pensions and Benefits (5 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. Why did the Morrison government advise Anne from Punchbowl, who is in lockdown, that she would lose her pension if she didn't provide specific proof-of-age...
    • Rural and Regional Australia: Climate Change (2 speeches)
      ) ( ): My question is to the Prime Minister. Today you said, 'Regional communities should not be forced to carry the national burden when it comes to climate change.' Regional communities are...
    • COVID-19: Vaccination (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Health and Aged Care. Will the minister update the House on how new vaccine approvals, the delivery of over 1.3 million vaccinations in the last week and over...
    • JobKeeper Payment (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. I refer to reports that his government is trying to claw back $32 million from low-income individuals, including age pensioners, who received JobKeeper...
    • Agriculture Industry (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Agriculture and Northern Australia. Will the minister outline how the Morrison-Joyce government is working to improve the quality of Australian soils and ensure...
    • COVID-19: New South Wales (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. Tragically, COVID infections in New South Wales reached a new daily record today. The New South Wales Premier said today: … vaccination reduces your...
    • Climate Change (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction. Will the minister please update the House on the importance of a technology led approach to reducing emissions? Is the minister...
    • COVID-19: Lockdowns (7 speeches)
      [by video link] My question is to the Prime Minister. On 24 June, eight days after the Bondi cluster began, the Prime Minister commended the Premier of New South Wales for resisting a lockdown....
    • Environment: Great Barrier Reef (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for the Environment. Will the minister advise the House on the Morrison government's world-leading approach to the protection of our oceans, our marine parks and,...
    • COVID-19: Vaccination (3 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. The Morrison government promised that aged-care workers would be fully vaccinated against COVID by Easter. Four months on, more than half are still waiting....
    • Climate Change (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction. Can the minister outline to the House how the Morrison government is backing Australian ingenuity and innovation to reduce...
    • COVID-19: Vaccination (7 speeches)
      My question is to the Prime Minister. I refer to the government's announcement that doses of the Moderna vaccine will be available from September. Can the Prime Minister confirm that Moderna has...
    • Climate Change (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Home Affairs. Will the minister please update the House on the outcome of police attending to the so-called protests that took place this morning in Canberra?
    • COVID-19: Vaccination (13 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister representing the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development. Does the minister support the creation of electronic vaccination certificates...
  • Motions (0 speeches)
    • COVID-19: Member for Dawson (13 speeches)
      by leave—I move: That the House: (1) applauds the sacrifices made by the Australian people to keep each other safe; (2) thanks the heroes of the pandemic - our scientists, doctors, nurses,...
  • Questions without Notice (0 speeches)
    • Manufacturing Industry (2 speeches)
      My question is to the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology. I ask the minister if he could please update the House on how the Morrison government's Modern Manufacturing Strategy is...
    • Dunkley Electorate: Car Parks (10 speeches)
      [by video link] My question is to the Prime Minister. I refer to the Prime Minister's claim Australians are the winners from the Commuter Car Park Program. Does the Prime Minister think commuters...
    • Census (3 speeches)
      My question is to the Assistant Treasurer, Minister for Housing and Minister for Homelessness, Social and Community Housing. Will the minister please inform the House about the importance of the...
  • Personal Explanations (0 speeches)
    • (5 speeches)
      I seek to make a personal explanation.
  • Questions without Notice: Additional Answers (0 speeches)
    • Pensions and Benefits (1 speech)
      The Manager of Opposition Business asked a question regarding Anne from Punchbowl. I can inform the House that Anne has indeed been on the age pension since 1981. On 4 August the office of the...
  • Documents (0 speeches)
    • Presentation (1 speech)
      Documents are tabled in accordance with the list circulated to honourable members earlier today. Full details of the documents will be recorded in the Votes and Proceedings.
  • Matters of Public Importance (0 speeches)
    • Climate Change (20 speeches)
      I have received a letter from the honourable member for Shortland proposing that a definite matter of public importance be submitted to the House for discussion, namely: The Federal Government's...
  • Bills (0 speeches)
  • Adjournment (0 speeches)
    • Tucker, Ms Moira, Economy (1 speech)
      [by video link] Last Friday I was part of Frankston City Council's launch of Frankston Zero, an important initiative to combat homelessness and assist rough sleepers. In his address at the...
    • Mackellar Electorate: COVID-19 (1 speech)
      [by video link] I want to start off by thanking the parliament, the Speaker and the people who have made it possible for those of us who are with our communities during their time of need to...
    • Climate Change (1 speech)
      [by video link] The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has released its long-awaited report on the physical science basis of climate change. The science is in, and it's a red alarm for...
    • National Library of Australia (1 speech)
      [by video link] I want to thank the House for the privilege of serving on the Council of the National Library of Australia for nearly five years as this chamber's representative. I have always...
    • Climate Change (1 speech)
      This week the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the IPCC, released its sixth assessment report. This is the most comprehensive climate report ever released, produced by the world's most...
    • Joondalup: Infrastructure (1 speech)
      Local economic development within Moore continues to be one of my priorities for my electorate, even more so now as we restore and rebuild the economy from COVID-19, creating skilled jobs for our...