House debates

Wednesday, 7 February 2024

Statements by Members

Climate Change

1:59 pm

Photo of Jerome LaxaleJerome Laxale (Bennelong, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

There's a bit of blockbuster television the moment, and what an insight it has been into the bin fire that was the former government. On Monday, as we watched Nemesis, we were all reminded about their stance against climate action. As I sat down here on the next day, I realised that many of the same people who fed their climate chaos were sitting there in that same room. Yesterday, the Leader of the Nationals, supported by a member of the Liberal Party, doubled-down on their climate insanity. They called for an end to renewable energy rollouts across regional Australia. Incredibly, they also declared that a country of 7.69 million square kilometres was small! They implied that we could not handle any more cheap, reliable, emissions-free energy. A former Liberal Prime Minister put it better than I could when he said that the Liberal Party has just proven itself incapable of dealing with the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The consequence is, without question, that we are paying higher prices for electricity and having higher emissions.

The continued anticlimate rhetoric from the Liberals and Nationals is not only out of touch but dangerous. Let this week serve a reminder to all Australians that the Liberals are not capable of taking action on climate change and, for as long as they play politics with it, that they don't deserve to be in government.


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