House debates

Wednesday, 7 February 2024

Statements by Members

Chisholm Electorate: Community Events

1:37 pm

Photo of Carina GarlandCarina Garland (Chisholm, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

Australia's strength lays in the amazing mosaic of cultures that contribute to our communities, and I'm so lucky to represent one of the most diverse electorates in the country—Chisholm. I've been able to attend some really amazing events over the last little while and I wanted to share that with the House today.

It was wonderful to recently welcome new citizens at a special Australia Day ceremony at Monash council, and I want to thank our newest Australians for choosing to make both Australia and Chisholm their home. It's fantastic to have so many people join our beautiful, vibrant community. Congratulations to all new citizens and welcome.

Last month, I also had the pleasure to celebrate Thai Pongal at the Tamil festival of 2024. There was dancing and music. It was a truly special celebration, and I am so honoured to have been invited and included in the festivities. Thank you to the organisers and volunteers for a wonderful day, the delicious pongal and the generous hospitality.

Right now, of course, preparations are well underway to mark the year of the dragon and lunar new year celebrations, and I've already attended some incredible local festivities in my electorate. Lunar new year is an occasion for family, friends and festivities, a time to celebrate and to spend time with those we love. The lunar new year has become a colourful and important part of our Chisholm calendar, and I hope the year of the dragon brings good health, prosperity and boundless happiness to all who celebrate.


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