House debates

Thursday, 6 December 2018

Statements by Members

Fahey, Dr Michael

1:55 pm

Photo of Tim WilsonTim Wilson (Goldstein, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

Fulbright scholarships foster cross-cultural academic exchanges. They offer Australia's best minds the opportunity to travel to the United States for research collaboration, cultural understanding and the exchange of ideas to mutual benefit. The Goldstein community is proud of Brighton East's Dr Michael Fahey as a 2019 recipient. Dr Fahey is the head of paediatric neurology at Monash Children's Hospital and director of neurogenetics and paediatrics at Monash University. Neurogenetics is concerned with the link between our genes and the diseases and disorders of the nervous system. As part of his Fulbright program, he will spend three months next year working with some of the world's leading minds in genomics at the children's hospital of Arizona, focusing on helping people living with cerebral palsy. Dr Fahey is representative of thousands of people across the Goldstein electorate who do amazing things every day that make the strength of this country what it is, where individual people, families and communities come together to form a great nation through ingenuity, through enterprise and by standing up and taking responsibility to create a better world. So congratulations to you, Dr Fahey, and stay awesome.


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