House debates

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Questions without Notice

Australian Embassy: Israel

2:25 pm

Photo of Scott MorrisonScott Morrison (Cook, Liberal Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

If I listen to the question from the Leader of the Opposition—next week, after the Wentworth by-election, will the Leader of the Labor Party tell us what his views are on Jerusalem, or on the issue of Iran? Will he tell us next week? Why won't he tell us this week? He wants to talk about process this week. My answers to those questions are the same today as they will be next week. He seems to have forgotten the fact that earlier this morning, in the General Assembly of the United Nations, Australia voted no for Palestine to chair the G77. I haven't heard boo from the opposition about this. I don't know what the leader of the Labor Party thinks on these questions anymore. I don't know what he believes in. I can say I'm not sure I've ever known what he believes in. It depends on what part of the country he is in. You don't just need an atlas to understand what he thinks and what he says; you also need a calendar, because it changes from day to day. The Liberal and National parties' view when it comes to a two-state solution is very clear. Our position when it comes to the support of Israel is very, very clear. When it comes to the Labor Party, they are the box of chocolates; you never know what you're going to get.


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