House debates

Thursday, 24 May 2018


Glenorchy City Council

1:42 pm

Photo of Andrew WilkieAndrew Wilkie (Denison, Independent) Share this | Hansard source

This week, the Tasmanian Integrity Commission tabled its report into Glenorchy City Council, where it highlighted the serious misconduct of Alderman Stuart Slade, general manager Peter Brooks, and director of corporate governance and general counsel Seva Iskandarli. The commission found that Slade, Brooks and Iskandarli had conflicts of interest which resulted in Mr Brooks and Ms Iskandarli obtaining salary increases, promotion and contractual amendments providing financial gain; that Mr Brooks and Ms Iskandarli had advantaged each other during processes relating to employment conditions and salaries; and that the loyalty between the three 'existed at the expense of objectivity or the best interests of the council'.

The integrity commission's findings on Glenorchy City Council are strong and clear, and it beggars belief that this morning it's reported that Tasmania Police will not investigate. This is despite the fact that there's such a compelling case that serious crimes have been committed, including breaches of section 83 of the Criminal Code—that's 'Corruption of public officers'—and of section 252A—that's 'Acquiring a financial advantage'. Slade, Brooks and Iskandarli have all departed the council, but that must not be the end of it. Mr Slade must immediately resign his RACT board position, and Tasmania Police must immediately investigate matters because, frankly, criminals should go to jail.


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