House debates

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Matters of Public Importance


3:41 pm

Photo of Cathy O'TooleCathy O'Toole (Herbert, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

On the eve of the biggest clash, it appears that in this place we will have our own state of origin showdown as well, because that is exactly what the Turnbull government have created. The Turnbull government have delivered absolutely nothing in the budget for North Queensland but have instead made massive cuts across the state for roads and infrastructure. Meanwhile, although a dismal amount, the only new funding the government have announced is for none other than New South Wales. It is abundantly clear that the Turnbull government are not supporters of Queensland. They have made this into an origin showdown—and, as a proud Queenslander, I say, 'Bring it on'. Just like the State of Origin tomorrow night, where the mighty Queensland Maroons will fight and win, I too will fight this out-of-touch Blues Turnbull government for Queensland, and I am determined to win. We will win.

In the current financial year alone the government have cut infrastructure funding by $1.6 billion. Then funding continues to drop off over the cliff for another four years and, by 2021, infrastructure spend will have dropped to $3.4 billion. And guess which state bears the brunt of most of the Turnbull government cuts? It is none other than cane toad country Queensland. Almost a quarter, 21 per cent, of the infrastructure cuts in 2016-17 are to Queensland. Of the $1.6 billion of cuts to national infrastructure, more than $345 million of those cuts are to Queensland.

At budget time last year Queenslanders were promised $2.2 billion in infrastructure funding. However, the 2017 budget revealed that the state will actually only receive $1.8 billion. The government have absolutely let Queensland down. They have cut funding for fixing dangerous blackspots on local roads by $17.3 million. They have cut funding for major road upgrades by $276.5 million. They have cut funding for upgrading the roads the cattle industry rely on by $20.2 million. And they have cut funding for upgrading roads that connect communities and regional towns across northern Queensland by $50.7 million. And then we have the poor old Bruce Highway. The Turnbull government have not invested one extra dollar. In fact, the government will spend $6.1 million less on the Bruce Highway next year than this year.

Funding for Queensland will continue to fall over the next four years, dropping by almost a quarter. These numbers clearly speak for themselves, and they tell a story—a story of how the Turnbull government do not care about Queenslanders and especially do not care about North Queensland. When North Queensland has been screaming and yelling for action on our water and energy issues, there can be no other reason for the Turnbull government blatantly ignoring us. In fact, they have only proven just how out of touch they really are. There is no other reason why this government has not matched Labor's $300 million commitment to deliver vital water and energy infrastructure. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, in this budget to address North Queensland's water and energy crisis.

Whilst companies like Sun Metals and, as we have seen today, Glencore are threatening to leave the north due to skyrocketing electricity prices, the Turnbull government have not committed one cent to a hydropower station on the Burdekin Falls Dam.    Sun Metals, to their credit, have taken matters into their own hands. What have this out-of-touch-with-the-north government done instead? They have committed to none other than a hydro project for the south of Australia. It is only Labor and it will only ever be Labor that will stand up for vital infrastructure in North Queensland. That is why Labor committed $200 million towards the construction of a hydropower station on the Burdekin Falls Dam and $100 million towards water security infrastructure. This will create hundreds of jobs, alleviate skyrocketing electricity costs and get Townsville off level 3 water restrictions. That is how you invest in North Queensland. That is what the Turnbull government should be doing, but instead they are doing nothing.

Then we have the City Deals process, which does not do anything—it does not deliver any new money and does not do anything other than match Labor's $100 million commitment for a stadium. The City Deals plan mentions water and energy infrastructure; meanwhile, there is no funding allocated for any water or energy infrastructure. It mentions a defence hub; meanwhile, there is no money for any defence hub. The list of wishes and the list of items with no funding or action by this government continues. With an 11.3 per cent unemployment rate in Townsville, North Queensland cannot afford the Turnbull government's cuts to infrastructure. Infrastructure will create jobs and revitalise our local economy.

So, to the Turnbull government, if you want a state of origin showdown then you've got one. I will continue to fight for cane-toad country until our community sees some real funding and real action by this out-of-touch Blues Turnbull government. The people of Townsville and the north deserve so much better. (Time expired)


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