House debates

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Questions without Notice

Family Payments

2:32 pm

Photo of Christian PorterChristian Porter (Pearce, Liberal Party, Minister for Social Services) Share this | Hansard source

has no benefits under the proposals that we are bringing in. So let me talk you through where there are very significant benefits. Had that single parent written that letter during the time of the Labor government, when they took out $7 billion, $6 billion and $2.5 billion, when they were all stick and no carrot, when they were all snake and no ladder, they would have been correct that there would have been no upside for that parent. But under the proposals that we are bringing there are a range of benefits which can very much engender workforce participation and make that parent better off. Let me explain what they are.

Ms Plibersek interjecting


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