House debates

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Statements by Members

Abbott Government

1:46 pm

Photo of Andrew GilesAndrew Giles (Scullin, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

The Liberal Party used to take delight in lecturing us about family values, about those values of the 1950s that they hold so dear, but they have not been talking family values so much lately, because they have been caught up in their own family feud. Their self-obsession has blinded them to the realities that are confronting Australian families, the people we represent.

Mr Nikolic interjecting

It is a family feud, and what is striking about it is that, in functioning families, people can talk through their disagreements, but the member for Bass can only correspond with his family members by emails—pretty unhelpful, pretty unconstructive emails.

Mr Whiteley interjecting


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