House debates

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Matters of Public Importance

Fiscal Policy

3:30 pm

Photo of Ed HusicEd Husic (Chifley, Australian Labor Party, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary to the Shadow Treasurer) Share this | Hansard source

Madam Speaker, you probably missed it, but I was looking at the backbench over there and I want to commend the member for Moncrieff for the first verbal administration of Mogadon! Look how excited these people are to hear about the government's position and what they want to do on debt! It was a masterful performance! They just keep giving. The other side is a gift that keeps on giving. Remember these great quotes? 'We will be a government of no surprises.' That is what they said—'no surprises'. They say one thing before the election and another thing afterwards.

We had the member for North Sydney over in London, getting his pics standing with Big Ben, talking about the age of entitlement being over. He shakes off the jet lag when he comes back and, then, what does he do? He supports the biggest, newest entitlement scheme, their paid parental leave scheme, handing over three times the amount that pensioners in the electorate I represent get in their pension, giving it to some of the wealthiest people around. That is their paid parental leave scheme. It is one thing before the election and another thing after it. Then he says, 'We won't we bullied on foreign investment.' Remember that one? 'We will not be bullied on foreign investment.' And then he has a face-off with Barnaby, with the member—I've forgotten where he is, he has moved around so often. Which seat is he in now?


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