House debates

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Questions without Notice

Abbott Government

2:02 pm

Photo of Tony AbbottTony Abbott (Warringah, Liberal Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

I thank the member for Macarthur for his excellent question and I can inform him that, every day since the election, this government has been cleaning up Labor's mess by keeping our commitments. We are seeking to repeal the carbon tax because that is exactly what the people voted for—a repeal of the carbon tax—and because repealing the carbon tax will help every household in this country to be $550 a year better off. We are repealing the mining tax because that is what the people of Australia voted for and because repealing the mining tax will boost investment, it will boost jobs and it will be a $13 billion boost to the budget bottom line as well. We are attempting to reinstitute temporary protection visas because, again, that is what the people of Australia voted for and because reinstituting temporary protection visas will help clean up Labor's border protection mess. Never let it be forgotten that, under the members opposite, we had 55,000 illegal arrivals by boat, we had an $11 billion border protection budget blow-out and, tragically, we had more than a thousand deaths at sea.

So we are doing what the people voted for. But it does not matter what the people of Australia voted for; the members opposite are voting against it. They are voting against the carbon tax repeal. They are voting against the mining tax repeal. They are voting against temporary protection visas. But now they are even voting against measures that the former government announced—education measures that the former government announced. Not only are they trying to stop this government from keeping our commitments; they are trying to stop this government from keeping their own commitments. That is the craziness of the current Leader of the Opposition. Today he is out there attacking the government because school education performance declined between 2009 and 2012, as if that is our fault. As if that is our fault! So not only is the Leader of the Opposition in denial about the change of government; he is in denial that he was ever in government! He just does not get it. Don't mind what he says. When it comes to a vote, this Leader of the Opposition always votes for higher taxes and more boats.


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