House debates

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Statements by Members

Newcastle Electorate: Special Olympics 2013 Asia Pacific Games

1:51 pm

Photo of Sharon ClaydonSharon Claydon (Newcastle, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

Yesterday marked the United Nations sanctioned International Day of People with Disability, and I rise to acknowledge a significant event occurring in my electorate of Newcastle this week. On Sunday night, I had the pleasure of attending the opening ceremony of the Special Olympics 2013 Asia Pacific Games at the Hunter Stadium in Newcastle. The ceremony was breathtaking. It featured around 2,000 local dancers, singers, acrobats and artists, as well as stars of Australian music such as Iva Davies, Marcia Hines and Anthony Callea. It was especially fitting that the games were opened by a long-term supporter and advocate for people with disability the Governor-General, Her Excellency Quentin Bryce, and it was my great pleasure to welcome her to Newcastle.

The week-long celebration and competition of the games brings together 29 nations from across the Asia-Pacific region, with more than 2,500 athletes competing in nine sports. The 400-strong Australian team includes 37 athletes representing the Newcastle and Hunter region. The games are the largest multi-country event ever held for people with an intellectual disability in our region and consequently the nation. Six thousand officials and supporters from interstate and overseas have joined the athletes, with around 200,000 spectators converging on Newcastle for the games. Events like this do not happen without the tremendous support of volunteers, the commitment shown by some 4,000 Novocastrians and the backing of local businesses, all of which truly exemplify Newcastle's community spirit. I congratulate all the athletes, volunteers and officials and hope they enjoy their time in Newcastle. (Time expired)


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