House debates

Wednesday, 4 December 2013


Selection Committee; Report

6:52 pm

Photo of Russell BroadbentRussell Broadbent (McMillan, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

On behalf of the Speaker, I present report No. 1 of the Selection Committee relating to the consideration of committee and delegation business, private members' business and referral of bills to committees on Monday, 9 December 2013. The report will be printed in today’s Hansard and the items accorded priority for debate will be published in the Notice Paper for the next sitting.

The report read as follows—

Report relating to the consideration of committee and delegation business and of private Members' business

1. The committee met in private session on Wednesday 4 December 2013.

2. The committee determined the order of precedence and times to be allotted for consideration of committee and delegation business and private Members' business on Monday, 9 December 2013, as follows:

Items for House of Representatives Chamber (10.00 am to 12 noon)


Presentation and statements

1 Parliamentary Delegation:

Report of the Parliamentary Delegation to Afghanistan.

The Committee determined that statements on the report may be made—all statements to conclude by 10.05 am.

Speech time limits—

Ms Marino 5 minutes.

[Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 1 x 5 mins]



1 MR ALBANESE: To present a Bill for an Act to establish the High Speed Rail Planning Authority, and for related purposes. (High Speed Rail Planning Authority Bill 2013) (Notice given 3December 2013.)

Time allotted—10 minutes .

Speech time limits—

Mr Albanese 10 minutes.

[Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 1 x 10 mins]

Presenter may speak to the second reading for a period not exceeding 10 minutes—pursuant to standing order 41.

2 MR C. A. LAUNDY: To move:

That this House notes that:

(1) the government is delivering on its promise to build a stronger Australia with its $1.5 billion commitment to the WestConnex project in Sydney;

(2) WestConnex is part of a long term vision for Sydney's future and is needed to cater for the additional 1.3 million people calling it home over the next 20 years;

(3) the 33 kilometre motorway linking Sydney's west and south-west with the CBD, Sydney Airport and Port Botany, will return some $20 billion to the NSW economy; and

(4) the project will create thousands of jobs including new apprenticeships.

Time allotted—60 minutes .

Speech time limits—

Mr C. A. Laundy 10 minutes.

Next 3 Members speaking—10 minutes.

Other Members—5 minutes each.

[Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 4 x 10 + 4 x 5 mins]

The Committee determined that consideration of this should continue on a future day.

3 MS RISHWORTH: To move:

That this House:

(1) notes the importance of having a well-trained medical workforce including doctors, nurses and allied health professionals for the sustainability of our health system;

(2) acknowledges the work of Health Workforce Australia in increasing the percentage of clinical training days for students, with the most recently released figures demonstrating a 50 per cent increase in 2012 compared to 2010;

(3) recognises that this increase in clinical training has been in part the result of the support provided to universities and health clinics through the Clinical Training Funding program;

(4) notes with concern the evidence provided in Senate Estimates on the 20 November 2013 by the Assistant Minister for Health that unallocated funds to support clinical training are currently frozen; and

(5) calls on the government to immediately make available the money within Health Workforce Australia that assists universities and health services to make clinical placements available so that students can have improved access to placements in the upcoming academic year. (Notice given 3December 2013.)

Time allotted—remaining private Members' business time prior to 12 noon.

Speech time limits—

Ms Rishworth—10 minutes.

Next Member speaking—10 minutes.

Other Members—5 minutes each.

[Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 2 x 10 + 5 x 5 mins]

The Committee determined that consideration of this should continue on a future day.

Items for Federation Chamber (11 am to 1.30 pm)



1 MR HUSIC: To move:

That this House:

(1) notes with alarm the burden placed on the bushfire affected residents of the Blue Mountains and Central Coast via the combined mismanagement of recovery processes by the Australian and NSW governments;

(2) acknowledges that while emergency personnel and volunteers acted swiftly and bravely to minimise the impact of the horrific October fires, the Australian and NSW governments have made decisions that have hurt families and businesses in the aftermath of the fires, namely:

(a) failing to extend full disaster relief support payments;

(b) presiding over a poorly executed response to the clean-up process; and

(c) breaking a promise by failing to provide consequential concessional loans to small businesses struggling to recover after the fires; and

(3) calls on both the Australian and NSW governments to urgently act to remedy this situation and assist homes and businesses to fully recover in a quicker timeframe. (Notice given 3December 2013.)

Time allotted—40 minutes .

Mr Husic 10 minutes.

Next Member speaking—10 minutes.

Other Members—5 minutes each.

[Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 2 x 10 mins + 4 x 5 mins]

The Committee determined that consideration of this should continue on a future day.

Orders of the Day

1 ECONOMIC GROWTH PLAN FOR TASMANIA: Resumption of debate (from 2 December 2013) That this House notes:

(1) with concern that Tasmania has the lowest gross state product per capita in Australia, the nation's highest unemployment rate, the lowest proportion of adults in the nation who have attained a year 12 qualification, one of the lowest retention rates to year 12, the lowest population growth, and the highest proportion of Australians without superannuation coverage;

(2) that Tasmania has enormous potential with productive land, a skilled and willing work force and people with a strong commitment to improve the state's economy by endeavour and hard work; and

(3) that the Federal Coalition's Economic Growth Plan for Tasmania, promised in the election campaign and reiterated in Her Excellency the Governor-General's speech opening the 44th Parliament, will provide the architecture to help tum Tasmania's economy around and encourage long term, sustainable employment.

Time allotted—40 minutes .

All Members—10 minutes each.

[Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 4 x 10 mins]

The Committee determined that consideration of this should continue on a future day.

Notices —continued

2 MS CLAYDON: To move:

That this House:

(1) notes that:

(a) eating disorders and poor body image present a significant problem for both males and females in Australia; and

(b) the social messages given to people by their family, friends, teachers, medical professionals and the media can have a significant negative or positive impact on a person's body image; and

(2) calls on:

(a) all Members of Parliament to take a leading role in the promotion of healthy living, exercise and positive body image in Australia; and

(b) the government to commit to continued support for the National Body Image awareness program. (Notice given 3December 2013.)

Time allotted—40 minutes .

Ms Claydon 5minutes.

Other Members—5 minutes each.

[Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 8 x 5 mins]

The Committee determined that consideration of this should continue on a future day.

Orders of the Day — continued

2 RURAL CLINICAL SCHOOLS: Resumption of debate (from 2 December 2013—Ms King, in continuation) That this House:

(1) celebrates the success of Rural Clinical Schools (RCS) around Australia, commenced in 1999 by the then Minister for Health, the Hon. Dr Michael Wooldridge MP, and continued by his successor, the Hon. Tony Abbott MP;

(2) notes that:

(a) RCS were designed to overcome the maldistribution of all doctors including general practitioners across Australia, which left country regions short of general practitioners and other specialty doctors;

(b) students undertaking training in rural locations have academic results that are equal to or better than their metropolitan counterparts;

(c) published data from public universities show high rates of RCS graduates working in, or intending to work in rural areas; and

(d) the information gathered through an independent project tracking all Australian and New Zealand medical students—Medical Schools Outcomes Database—demonstrates that long term placements in a rural setting through RCS have a significant impact on the vocational choice and intention to practice in a rural or remote setting as well as future career specialty focus; and

(3) calls on the government to:

(a) continue its support for these excellent initiatives; and

(b) examine opportunities to increase intern and postgraduate training places in rural locations to enhance the future of specialty medical service delivery with a focus on general practitioners in rural and regional Australia.

Time allotted—remaining private Members' business time prior to 1.30 pm.

All Members—5 minutes. each.

[Minimum number of proposed Members speaking = 6 x 5 mins]

The Committee determined that consideration of this should continue on a future day.

3. Referral of bills

The Committee considered the list of bills introduced into the House since 12 November 2013 and decided not to refer any of those bills to committees for further inquiry.


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