House debates

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Questions without Notice

Workplace Relations

3:06 pm

Photo of Bill ShortenBill Shorten (Maribyrnong, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Financial Services and Superannuation) Share this | Hansard source

But all is not lost. Not only can we see what state governments do to represent their opposition policy, but we have the rise of a couple of IR hawks. I congratulate Senator Sinodinos and the member for Mayo. Whilst I do not agree with what they stand for in industrial relations, at least we know they stand for something. Although it does raise an interesting question. In September last year the member for Mayo said we should bring back individual statutory contracts. Is this the sort of freelancing that the opposition leader will require him not to say, now that he has received a promotion.

The reality is that it is not fair on the Australian people that the opposition hide their policies. Cowardice is no substitute for national political debate. Being a small target and negative is no substitute for talking about workplace relations. You can run but you cannot hide over the next year. We will have a workplace relations debate. (Time expired)


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