House debates

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Questions without Notice


2:32 pm

Photo of Julia GillardJulia Gillard (Lalor, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

To the member for Indi on the specifics of the business she refers to, of course I am very happy, and I am sure that Minister Combet is very happy, to make contact with this business if she wants to forward us the details. I or Minister Combet would be very happy to have a discussion about the circumstances of this business. As I travel and talk to people I find that, because of the reckless fear campaigning we have seen on carbon pricing from the opposition, many people are finding it difficult to work out exactly what it does mean for them, and I think that it is very important that people have the facts.

Mr Hartsuyker interjecting


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