House debates

Monday, 19 September 2011

Private Members' Business

National Standard for Fertiliser Products

11:36 am

Photo of Michael McCormackMichael McCormack (Riverina, National Party) Share this | Hansard source

An urgent need exists to address inconsistencies between all compost standards and the government regulations which override them. A review completed by Robyn Neesen of Yanco in the Riverina highlights anomalies between compost standards in federal and state regulations. The report refers particularly to contaminant levels and the need for action to ensure a high-standard product which will improve soil health and productivity. There are currently no compulsory guidelines prescribing the quality of compost sold to recreational gardeners for private and domestic use. Many gardeners, be gardening their livelihood or just a hobby, have no way of knowing if the fertiliser they are purchasing will do more damage than good to their plants.

In the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries winter edition newsletter, the main article was headed 'When compost ain't compost'. It was a telling heading and an interesting piece. When it comes to compost, things are not always as they ought to be.


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