House debates

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Questions without Notice


2:03 pm

Photo of Kevin RuddKevin Rudd (Griffith, Australian Labor Party, Prime Minister) Share this | Hansard source

This report is 300 pages, Joe. That is a 300-page analysis of the global economy. We are one member of the OECD. This is an analysis of the global economy and this is that very short little paper to which he alludes.

The Australian government has, through its stimulus strategy, sought to build up the entire economy. We have therefore, as a consequence of our actions and the engagement of the entire Australian economy, produced one which among the major advanced economies is the fastest growing. We have the second lowest unemployment, the lowest debt and the lowest deficit, and we are the only one not to have gone into recession. This is not, however, the time for complacency. We have challenges ahead to build long-term productivity growth for the Australian economy for the recovery and, on top of that, to engage our colleagues in the G20 with the long-term task of medium-term exit from these extraordinary stimulus measures and building long-term sustainable economic growth. That is the government’s strategy. I would encourage those opposite to get on board and help build the Australian economy up.


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