House debates

Monday, 22 June 2009

Statements by Members

Tangney Electorate: Child Sponsorship

6:43 pm

Photo of Dennis JensenDennis Jensen (Tangney, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

In this time of financial woes and negativity there shines a bright light in my electorate of Tangney. Recently Canning Vale was named by World Vision as the third most generous suburb in Western Australia. In fact, some 862 child sponsors live in that area. These residents are not super wealthy but they have opened their hearts to those less fortunate. An example is Vikki Winchester, whose family sponsored two Ugandan children to help these children fulfil their dreams and aspirations and to show her own two children how lucky they are to live in Australia. I would like to express my appreciation to the Winchester family and all the other families who are making a real difference to the lives of children, many of whom are from war-torn countries and otherwise would be facing a very bleak and, sadly, often brief future. World Vision does a marvellous job but it can only do what it does through the generosity of spirit and wallet of people like the Winchesters and thousands of others who give new hope to children all over the world.


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