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RSS feed Senator Glenn Sterle

Photo of Glenn Sterle

RSS feed Most recent appearances in parliament

Matters of Urgency: Albanese Government (27 Feb 2024)

“I'm disappointed, but I have to touch on this. I listened to Senator Hanson's speech quietly. She went to the Voice. I understand the country have had the opportunity to have their say, and they did have their say, but I find it really bitterly disappointing that it has to keep being dragged up as 'dividing the nation'. I want to say this, Senator Hanson, and you know my views on this: I am...”

Motions: Excess Deaths (8 Feb 2024)

“Sorry, Minister; just resume your seat. Senator Rennick?”

Motions: Excess Deaths (8 Feb 2024)

“Senator Rennick, there is absolutely no point of order. If I could impose that penalty, I'd be looking a lot younger after the years I've been in here and what I've listened to. Minister, you have the call.”

More of Glenn Sterle's recent appearances


Please note that numbers do not measure quality. Also, Senators may do other things not currently covered by this site. (More about this)

  • Has spoken in 107 debates in the last year — average amongst Senators.
  • People have made 1 comment on this Senator's speeches — average amongst Senators.
  • 9 people are tracking whenever this Senator speaks — email me whenever Glenn Sterle speaks.
  • Has used three-word alliterative phrases (e.g. "she sells seashells") 563 times in debates — above average amongst Senators. (Why is this here?)

Register of Interests (What's this?)

Glenn Sterle's latest interest statementPDFLast updated: 29 Mar 2023