Senate debates

Tuesday, 6 September 2022

  • Bureaucracy (1 speech)
    A wise man once said: 'Breaking someone's trust is like crumpling up a perfect piece of paper. You can smooth it over, but it's never going to be the same.' In 2022, Australians have a right to...
  • Asylum Seekers (1 speech)
    Last week the government held the Jobs and Skills Summit and congratulated itself for inviting everyone to the table and for being open to all ideas to upskill Australia and address workforce...
  • Murray-Darling Basin (1 speech)
    Last month, the Deputy Premier of South Australia, Susan Close, announced the appointment of Richard Beasley as the inaugural South Australian Commissioner for the River Murray. Mr Beasley's...
  • Energy (1 speech)
    I want to ring a warning bell this evening, a warning bell that should be ringing a lot louder than it is across our land. Last week, our major energy regulator, the Australian Energy Market...
  • Taxation (1 speech)
    I rise tonight to use my voice in this place on behalf of the community in Western Australia to urge Labor: do not continue with your plans to give $243.5 billion to billionaires. From the...
  • Khosla, Professor Rajiv (1 speech)
    I rise to speak about the care economy and about Professor Rajiv Khosla and his work in the robotics and innovation space. The tireless work of Professor Khosla and other stakeholders is now...
  • Tasmania: Tourism Industry (1 speech)
    It's been cold here in Canberra, but when it's cold like this in Tasmania, that's when Tasmania really hits its stride. The ground might be covered in slippery white frost, the days are shorter...
  • Albanese Government (1 speech)
    Given that you fellas always want blackfellas to provide cultural awareness training for you all, today I thought I'd teach you a little bit about our language and our culture. Today I'll talk...
  • Taxation (1 speech)
    I have a confession to make and I would confess my sins in a church, but Lambie in a church and worrying about the ceiling falling in, it is a bit too much. I've made a mistake. In the first days...
  • Urannah Project (1 speech)
    Prior the election the coalition government was supporting our regions and agricultural sector with record levels of funding for water infrastructure. This investment was especially critical in...
  • Public Exhibition on Crimes of Communism (1 speech)
    On the Saturday just gone, I had the absolute honour of attending the opening of an exhibition called the Public Exhibition on Crimes of Communism hosted by the Queensland chapter of the...
  • COVID-19: Vaccination (1 speech)
    Tonight I want to talk again about the lack of safety testing that was carried out with the vaccines. I also want to discuss the biochemistry once again because there are a lot more elements that...
  • Pensions and Benefits (1 speech)
    Today I have the privilege of sharing four stories of people who are struggling to survive on meagre income support payments and navigating our broken social security system. To start, here is...